Quadro IW 20 catalog - Hettich

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KAT_133_142_G5_USA.qxd 01.02.2006 18:58 Uhr Seite 133

Quadro IW 20
Partial and full-extension runners for wooden drawers


KAT_133_142_G5_USA.qxd 03.02.2006 15:03 Uhr Seite 134

Quadro IW 20 for wooden drawers
Heavy duty in furniture and household appliances


KAT_133_142_G5_USA.qxd 01.02.2006 18:59 Uhr Seite 135

Quadro IW 20
Part-extension runner for wooden drawers
Load capacity 100 lbs K.C.M.A.

100 lbs

" Load capacity 100 lbs K.C.M.A.
" Perfect vertical and lateral stability.
The robust, resilient tracks ensure optimal runner action through precison-guided steel balls.
" Maintenance-free through self-cleaning ball tracks.
" Selfclose  the spring-operated mechanism acts independently of load and closes the drawer safely and automatically.
" Slide-on assembly  simply place the drawer on the runners and push home. Done!
" Flexibility through interchangeability  swap between Quadro partial and full extension runners without changing cabinet,
drawer or front panel dimensions!

Article /
Nominal length mm

Drawer length
3-sided drawer

Quadro IW 20/250
Quadro IW 20/300
Quadro IW 20/350
Quadro IW 20/400
Quadro IW 20/450
Quadro IW 20/500
Quadro IW 20/550

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