Q1 2024 Quarterly Earnings Presentation V6

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Brian Chambers | Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Todd Fister | Chief Financial Officer
April 24, 2024 | Q1 2024

This presentation and the associated remarks contain forward-looking statements. We caution you against relying on these statements as they are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors and actual results may differ materially from any results projected in the statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without limitation: levels of residential and commercial or industrial construction activity; demand for our products; industry and economic conditions including, but not limited to, supply chain disruptions, recessionary conditions, inflationary pressures, interest rate and financial markets volatility,
and the viability of banks and other financial institutions; availability and cost of energy and raw materials; levels of global industrial production; competitive and pricing factors; relationships with key customers and customer concentration in certain areas; issues related to acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures or expansions, including the planned acquisition of Masonite; climate change, weather conditions and storm activity; legislation and related regulations or interpretations, in the United States or elsewhere; domestic and international economic and political conditions, policies or other governmental actions, as well as war and civil disturbance; changes to tariff, trade or investment policies or laws; uninsured losses, including those from natural disasters, catastrophes,
pandemics, theft or sabotage; environmental, product-related or other legal and regulatory liabilities, proceedings or actions; research and development activities and intellectual property protection; issues involving implementation and protection of information technology systems; foreign exchange and commodity price fluctuations; our level of indebtedness, including the planned acquisition of Masonite; our liquidity and the availability and cost of credit; our ability to achieve expected synergies, cost reductions and/or productivity improvements; the level of fixed costs required to run our business; levels of goodwill or other indefinite-lived intangible assets; price volatility in certain wind energy markets in the U.S.; loss of key employees and labor disputes or shortages; our ability to complete and successfully integrate the Masonite acquisition; any material adverse changes in the business of Masonite; the ability to obtain required regulatory, shareholder or other third-party approvals and consents and otherwise complete the Masonite acquisition; our ability to achieve the strategic and other objectives relating to the Masonite acquisition, including any expected synergies; the strategic review of our glass reinforcements business; defined benefit plan funding obligations; and factors detailed from time to time in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The information in this presentation speaks as of April 24, 2024, and is subject to change. The company does not undertake any duty to update or revise forward-looking statements except as required by federal securities laws.
The terms year to date  or last twelve months ( LTM ) refer to the period ended on the last calendar day of the quarter preceding the date of the investor event referenced on the first page above. Otherwise, the information in this presentation speaks as of the date of the investor event and is subject to change. The
Company assumes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements except as required by law. Any distribution of this presentation after the investor event is not intended and should not be construed as updating or confirming such information.
This presentation contains references to certain "non-GAAP financial measures" as defined by the SEC, which may be referenced in the Appendix or in the tables of our earnings press release. Adjusted EBIT, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted earnings, adjusted EPS and return on capital exclude certain items that management does not allocate to its segment results because it believes they are not representative of the company's ongoing operations. When the company provides forward-looking expectations for non-GAAP measures, the most comparable GAAP measures and reconciliations to those GAAP measures are generally not available without unreasonable effort due to the variability, complexity and limited visibility of the adjusting items that would be excluded from the non-GAAP measures in future periods. The variability in timing and amount of adjusting items could have significant and unpredictable effects on future GAAP
THE PINK PANTHER!" & © 1964-2024 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 2024 Owens Corning. All Rights Reserved.


Company highlights
Financial results

Brian Chambers

Business outlook
Questions and discussion

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