Product Information Relevant Product Certificates For Buildi... Im0034060

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

April 2024




Building certifications

p. 3-4

1.1. What is a building certification?

p. 3

1.2. What building certifications are available?

p. 3

1.3. What advantages do building certifications offer?

p. 3

1.4. Which categories / criteria must be fulfilled?

p. 4


p. 5-7

2.1. General information about DGNB

p. 5

2.2. System description

p. 5

2.3. Facts and Figures

p. 5

2.4. Categories / criteria / weighting

p. 5

Dans la boutique

Technical Data Decoboard P6 Plus Im0028835
Technical Data Decoboard P6 Plus Im0028835
16/08/2024 -
November 2022 Technical data DecoBoard P6 Plus Wood particleboard type P6 in accordance with EN 312, heavy-duty, for structural purposes for use in dry conditions, melamine faced on both sides. Applications Storage technology Properties Antimicrobial Food harmless Anti-slip surface Load bearing  particularly high bending strength Certificates Specification Unit Test standard Nominal thickness 38 mm Tolerance on thickness Length- and width tolerance Length- and width tolerance (precut...

Technical Data Decoboard Pyroex P4 Im0028811
Technical Data Decoboard Pyroex P4 Im0028811
16/08/2024 -
November 2022 Technical data DecoBoard Pyroex P4 Wood particleboard type P4 in accordance with EN 312, for structural purposes for use in dry conditions, melamine faced on both sides, flame resistant. Applications Fire protection Storage technology Properties Antimicrobial Food harmless Anti-slip surface Flame retardant Load-bearing Particularly low emission Certificates Specification Unit Test standard Nominal thickness 38 mm Tolerance on thickness Length- and width tolerance Length-...

Technical Data Decoboard Im0028907
Technical Data Decoboard Im0028907
16/08/2024 -
November 2022 Technical data DecoBoard MDF.MR Medium-density fibreboard with uniform construction, reduced swelling behaviour and decorative melamine resin facing on both sides (MR = Moisture Resistant = with improved swelling values for damp areas). Applications Furniture and interior fitting Properties Variety of decors and / or textures Easy care Food harmless Low swelling / moisture resistant Antimicrobial Certificates Specification Nominal thickness Tolerance on thickness Length-...

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Information On Harmlessness Duropal High Pressure Laminate D... Im0026782
16/08/2024 -
September 21 INFORMATION ON HARMLESSNESS Duropal High Pressure Laminate Duropal Compact High Pressure Laminate Our decorative high pressure laminates (HPL) and compact laminates consist of paper and synthetic resins that harden under heat; the proportion of paper is more than 60 percent of weight. The material core forms the major part of the material, and consists of unbleached core paper layers that are saturated in phenolic formaldehyde resins. The decorative surface is formed by a printed or...

Technical Data Decoboard Real Metal P2 Im0028723
Technical Data Decoboard Real Metal P2 Im0028723
16/08/2024 -
November 2022 Technical data DecoBoard Real Metal P2 Urea resin bonded particleboard with real aluminium foil on both sides in direct facing method. Applications Furniture and interior fitting Properties Real metal surface Certificates Specification Nominal thickness Tolerance on thickness Length- and width tolerance Flatness Edge damage Surface defects (Points) Surface defects (Defect in the length) Resistance to scratching Resistance to staining Resistance to cracking Resistance to colour...

Cradle To Cradle Certified R Bronze Im0029589
Cradle To Cradle Certified R Bronze Im0029589
16/08/2024 -
Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH has successfully achieved Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze for the product(s) under the name: PrimeBoard and DecoBoard Certification Number 5865 Standard Version 3.1 Lead Assessment Body EPEA GmbH - Part of Drees & Sommer DecoBoard has over 30,000 variations due to the different thicknesses, formats and decors plus structures. PrimeBoard has one structure and one format with several lacquering/coating finishes (colors) to to make up 2500 variations. Attributes...

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Technical Data Classicboard P2 Carb2 Im0016408
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August 2024 Technical data ClassicBoard P2 CARB2 Tolerance on thickness ± 0.3 mm Tolerance on length (EN 324-1) ± 5 mm Tolerance on width (EN 324-1) ± 5 mm Straightness of edges (EN 324-2) 1.5 mm/m Squareness (EN 324-2) 2 mm/m Moisture content (EN 322) 9%±4% Formaldehyde emission class E1 E05 CARB Phase 2 / TSCA Title VI 1 Requirement Property Test method Thickness / Range of thickness (mm, nominal dimension) Unit "d 8.9 > 8.9 to "d 13

Technical Data Decoboard Individual Motiv Mdf Plus Im0028871
Technical Data Decoboard Individual Motiv Mdf Plus Im0028871
16/08/2024 -
November 2022 Technical data DecoBoard Individual Motiv MDF plus Medium-density fibreboard with individual digital print motifs in direct facing method. The front face is printed as required, the standard reverse is white. Applications Furniture and interior fitting Properties Individual printed motif Easy care Antimicrobial Food harmless Certificates Specification Nominal thickness Tolerance on thickness Length- and width tolerance Flatness Edge damage Surface defects (Points) Surface...

050 0052 Chariot industriel a mat vertical
050 0052 Chariot industriel a mat vertical
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Ce modèle est présenté à titre indicatif comme un exemple de matériel référencé dans cette catégorie. Il ne présage pas du matériel proposé dans l agence que vous aurez sélectionnée. 150 1980 2120 CHARIOT INDUSTRIEL À MÂT VERTICAL 7FBEF15 1400 1070 2695 CHARIOT INDUSTRIEL À MÂT VERTICAL 7FBEF15 Code produit 050 0052 Capacité de charge maxi 1500 kg Hauteur de fourche maxi 4,30 m Tablier à déplacement latéral Non Rayon de braquage extérieur 1,54 m Pente...

Spécial Pros : WD-40 leur dédie une innovation aussi géniale que fonctionnelle
Spécial Pros : WD-40 leur dédie une innovation aussi géniale que fonctionnelle
05/02/2018 -
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE / FÉVRIER 2018 / en ligne sur Spécial Pros : WD-40 leur dédie une innovation aussi géniale que fonctionnelle Depuis plus de 60 ans, WD-40 s est hissée comme la marque mondiale de référence des produits lubrifiants et dégrippants de maintenance. Devenu un véritable incontournable, le Produit Multifonction WD-40, avec ses plus de 2 000 utilisations, fait aujourd hui l objet d une innovation exclusive dédiée aux professionnels : un tube flexible...

B 600664 Sus Cal Bull 117 2013 With Treatment
B 600664 Sus Cal Bull 117 2013 With Treatment
02/08/2024 -
July 27, 2023 Mr. Bill Laffoday AMERICAN FLAMECOAT, INC. 520 Eagleton Downs Drive Suite D Pineville, NC 28134-7455 Reference: Laboratory Test Report Lab Identification No. 55950 Invoice No. 87265 Dear Mr. Laffoday: One (1) sample, identified as KVADRAT INC. SAHCO  MOSS color: 0006  TREATED WITH FLAMECOAT, was received and tested in accordance with the California Technical Bulletin 117-2013, Section 1, Cover Fabric Test. The results are as follows: Test Results Vertical Char Lengths 14mm 14mm 14mm The...

Presse 5046 Fr
Presse 5046 Fr
04/08/2024 -
BLIK Presse verticale Série 50-46 Simple bac Série économique Force de compaction : 4T Temps de cycle : 35 secondes Poids moyen balle : 40/60 kg Caractéristiques techniques Presse 50 / 46 Force de compression 4 Tonnes Durée du cycIe 35 secondes Dimensions hors tout LXlxH 650x850x2100 Ouverture chargement 700x490mm Section des balles 700x500x700mm Poids des balles /KG 40/60 kg Alimentation électrique 220 V 50 Hz monophasé Liens Plats Polyester P BLIK 1 Téléphone : 01 64...

16/10/2024 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

Ki 124 Fl 3d Anschraubband
Ki 124 Fl 3d Anschraubband
23/09/2024 -
@ new UPDATE 124-18/INT forster Einfach flexibel in 3D f?r Brandschutzt?ren EI30  EI90 Haute flexibilit? en 3D pour portes coupe-feu EI30  EI90 Great flexibility in 3D for fire rated doors EI30  EI90 1'000'000 EI30  EI90 3D-verstellbares Anschraubband forster fuego light Paumelle ? visser r?glable 3D forster fuego light 3D-adjustable screw-on hinge forster fuego light " 3D-verstellbar " Edelstahl 1.4301 " Korrosionsbest?ndigkeit Klasse 4 " Gepr?ft nach EN 1935 und EN 1634 " F?r...