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PR ONE cam switch Series

Ready switch configurations matching your requirements

Our commitment makes the difference >

PR ONE cam switch Series
A selection of standard switching programmes and mounting forms for practical reliable solutions to be achieved quickly

> Design anD functions
· 45° switching angle

· Switching capacity Ie (A) : 16 A, 25 A and 32 A in AC21

· Forced opened contacts

· Manually operated control switches

· Finger protected (degree of protection up to IP 20)

· Front presentation : aluminium plate with black handle with index

· Short-circuit rated

· Laser marking on escutcheon

· Fulfills the load of break requirements up to 690V

· Front degree of protection IP 40

· Terminal screws in open position

· 2-screw panel mount - interval 30 mm

> applications

ON-OFF switches
Changeover switches
Multi-step switches
Instrument switches

Standard circuits diagrams from 16 A, 25 A
up to 32 A
The expertise of a specialist to offer ready-solutions

Dans la boutique

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