Planer | Attachments

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| Attachments

A Bobcat loader becomes an efficient, cost-effective planing ma
Bobcat 14 /36 cm Standard-Flow Planer
An economy model designed to work well on specified Bobcat loaders. The standardflow planer is a perfect attachment for municipalities and road repair crews doing minor repairs on parking lots, driveways and roads. The 14 /36 cm drum and manual depth adjustment are ideal for milling potholes, cracks and other damages.
An optional hydraulic depth control kit is available to upgrade standard-flow planers to fingertip control of the planer skis.

Bobcat 18 /45 cm and 24 /61 cm HighFlow Planers
Provide additional versatility and productivity with more features and independent controls, utilizing the high-flow hydraulics of the Bobcat loader.
Bobcat high-flow planers are invaluable tools for many asphalt and concrete repair jobs, including matching uneven pavement surfaces, cutting drainage in parking lots,
street repairs and cleanup around larger milling machines.

achine with a Bobcat planer attachment.
Bobcat 40 /100 cm High-Flow Planer
This planer delivers the highest performance in the range and offers three unique features:
" Hydraulic oscillation controlled from the operator seat
" Front and rear self-levelling helps skis maintain full surface contact regardless of the tilt cylinder extension
" Two direct-drive motors, one on each side of the drum
This planer is standard-equipped with an all-purpose drum, hose kit and seven-pin control harness. The operator has fingertip control of the side-shift, individual ski depth and oscillation.

Bobcat 16 /41 cm Surface Planer
Designed to produce very fine surface finishes. The Bobcat surface planer

Dans la boutique

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T110 | Kompakt-Raupenlader -
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T110 | Kompakt-Raupenlader Ein großer Kleiner  Der Bobcat T110 Raupenlader, der absolut kompakteste in diesem Marktsegment, bietet sich als flinkes Arbeitspferd für alle denkbaren Einsätze in Bau und GaLaBau an. Er fährt durch schmale Tore und zwischen Hindernissen hindurch, so dass er praktisch überall eingesetzt werden kann. Mit ihm Sie schaffen mehr und schneller, 365 Tage im Jahr n Unübertroffenes Leistungs-Gewichtverhältnis im Ladermarkt Diese kleine Maschine mit großem Herzen...

E60/E80 Broschüre
E60/E80 Broschüre
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14/02/2012 -
TR35160 Télescopiques TR35160 Poids Poids (à vide) Traction Abaques de charge Sur stabilisateurs, avec fourches, tourelle orientée à 90° TR35160 16 AXB1457/1 15700 mm 15500 mm 3500 kg 2000 kg 1700 kg 300 kg 300 kg 13350 mm 13350 mm MAX 3,5 ton 70° 15,70 15 I 60° 14 H G 13 50°

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T2566 Telescopic Specifications
T2566 Telescopic Specifications
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NOMINATION CHEZ FISCHER FRANCE INFORMATION PRESSE Juin 2011 Nicolas CHRISTMANN Nouveau Directeur Commercial Division Grand Public et Négoce Matériaux fischer France, la filiale du groupe allemand fischer, leader mondial des systèmes de fixation, a annoncé la nomination de Nicolas Christmann au poste de Directeur de Division Grand Public et Négoce Matériaux. Diplômé de l'ISEG Group (Institut Supérieur Européen de Gestion) en section Finance, Nicolas Christmann, âgé de 40 ans, a débuté...

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09/12/2024 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF