Planer Attachment Brochure

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A Bobcat loader becomes an efficient, cost-effective planing machin
Bobcat 14 /36 cm Standard-Flow Planer
An economy model designed to work well on specified Bobcat loaders. The standardflow planer is a perfect attachment for municipalities and road repair crews doing minor repairs on parking lots, driveways and roads. The 14 /36 cm drum and manual depth adjustment are ideal for milling potholes, cracks and other damages.
An optional hydraulic depth control kit is available to upgrade standard-flow planers to fingertip control of the planer skis.

Bobcat 18 /45 cm and 24 /61 cm HighFlow Planers
Provide additional versatility and productivity with more features and independent controls, utilizing the high-flow hydraulics of the Bobcat loader.
Bobcat high-flow planers are invaluable tools for many asphalt and concrete repair jobs, including matching uneven pavement surfaces, cutting drainage in parking lots,
street repairs and cleanup around larger milling machines.


g machine with a Bobcat planer attachment.
Bobcat 40 /100 cm High-Flow Planer
This planer delivers the highest performance in the range and offers three unique features:
" Hydraulic oscillation controlled from the operator seat
" Front and rear self-levelling helps skis maintain full surface contact regardless of the tilt cylinder extension
" Two direct-drive motors, one on each side of the drum
This planer is standard-equipped with an all-purpose drum, hose kit and seven-pin control harness. The operator has fingertip

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