
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Piece is a family of furniture for creative work,
presentations and meetings. Designed by TEA,
Thomas Eriksson Arkitekter.

Piece is a family of furniture for creative work, presentations and meetings. Great care has been devoted to creating attractive,
easy cable management.
The design is Scandinavian, modern and airy while the inclined legs give the tables tons of attitude.
The wall-mounted items consist of a laptop shelf,
a glass whiteboard, open shelves, storages and a wardrobe. They combine straight, clean lines with white housings that are matched with the desired contrast colour to create interesting fittings.
Design: TEA, Thomas Eriksson Arkitekter

PIECE Table 2100 x 1400 + connected table 2100 x 1400, height 1060, black stand, one piece table top in black desktop, optional 3 x NEAT sockets in each.



All tables have legs, but few have as much attitude as Piece, with its inclined legs. At the same time, generous surfaces lend themselves to both planned, spontaneous and creative meetings.
Choose from round or rectangular table tops, which can in principle be attached to as long a table as you like. Round tables are available in sizes up to ø 1800 mm with seating space for up to ten people.
The heights of 730, 900 and 1060 mm lend themselves to a variety of different working situations, from sitting to standing, made stable with sturdy steel legs.
The design means that a single table can fulfil a number of tasks;
from the coffee or lunch room to the library or touch down workplaces in modern activity-based offices.

PIECE Table ø 1200, height 730, stand in dark chocolate, two piece table top in white glazed ash, cable cover.
PIECE Open storage 1600 x 400, depth 350, cabinet in white (S 0500-N), inside in white glazed ash.



PIECE Table 2100 x 1400, height 1060 stand in dark chocolate (8019), two piece table top in white glazed ash, cable door.
PIECE Storage 1600 x 400, depth 350, cabinet in white (S 0500-N), sliding doors in nougat (S 6005-Y20R).
PIECE Open storage 1600 x 400, depth 350, cabinet in white (S 0500-N), inside in white glazed ash.
FEATHER Stool large, stand in misty grey (7044), seat in leather: Elmosoft (54035). FEATHER Stool large, stand in fir green (6009), seat in fabric: Febrik Pitch (grass).

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