pdf Blunt Tip Lightning Rod

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Lightning Conductors
Lightning rods
NF C 17-100, IEC 1024

AFA 0001 PF

Simple lightning rod " Franklin " Blunt Tip Type
Franklin lightning rod, which are blunt tip tapered, have a perfectly slender and attractive point. They exist in nickel/chromium-plate copper and stainless steel versions. They have a standard length of 2,4m and can be extended by the addition of treated steel and stainless steel elevation rods. These systems do not require guying and can be up to 7 or 8 m long. The tip of 2F Franklin lightning rods features a solid point of marine bronze or stainless steel.

Ref. AFE 0100 PC AFA 0001 PF AFA 0002 PF AFA 0003 PF AFA 0004 PF AFA 1001 PF AFA 1002 PF AFA 1003 PF AFA 1004 PF

Designation Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod Franklin lightning rod

Type of point Nickel copper Nickel copper Chromium-plate + Treated Steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel

Total height m 1 2.40 4.15 5.90 7.65 2.40 4.15 5.90 7.65

Base o.d. mm 22 30 33 36 49 30 34 42 48

Weight kg 0.75 3.75 7.55 11.75 16.65 3.50 7.50 12.50 18.50

Elevation rods number 1 2 3 1 2 3

" Field trial tests in the United States, carried out over many years research have confirmed that blunt lightning rods are struck by lightning in preference to sharp pointed lightning rods."
"Lightning rod improvement studies" by C B Moore, W Rison, J Mathis, G Aulich. Journal of Applied Meteorology, May 2000.

" Industrial stack " model
This model is only available in stainless steel, This points are bent to keep them out of fumes and corrosive vapours. They are generally used in quantities of two or more, depending on the diameter of the stack (see UTE Standard C 17100)
Straight section hm 0.30 0.80

Ref. AFA 1005 PF AFA 1006 PF

Designation Franklin lightning "Industrial Stack" Franklin lightning "Industrial Stack"

Type Stainless steel Stainless steel

Height hm 1 2.4

Bend a° 30 30

Base o.d. M10 30

Weight kg 1 3.5

AFJ 3100 SE fixing clip

Lightning rods protection level


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