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PASSPORT' How to select s s s s


s s

Passport' how to order
S When ordering a Passport' PVC strip door the following information is required 1 - door clear opening width 2 - Height of doorway to underside of lintel or beam and ground floor. a) Fixing directly beneath lintel or beam = door clear opening height. Method R2 "Lintel Mount" or Method S, 80 or 100 mm "RSJ mount" b) Fixing directly behind the lintel for maximum clearance = door clear opening height - But advise method R1 "flat mount" c) Sliding door behind lintel with track to move door sideways method T "Monorail Mount" - Single or double runs of track are available. Consult The Maviflex Representative 3 - Overlap needed standard or full overlap or any overlap in 50 mm steps to suit conditions 4 - Mounting method R1 - Wall face fixed R2-Under lintel fixed S- Under Steel RSJ fixed T-Sliding track fixed 5 - Fixing location - Beneath lintel or beam mount - Behind the lintel or wall mount Note on width arrangement - Door beneath lintel or door to universal beam or channel Door width = door clear opening width (between jambs of the walls) - Door behind the lintel - face fixed or sliding door with track face fixed. Door width:add to the clear opening width + 300 mm, to overlap the jambs of the wall (150 mm each side)



Fixed Passport' strip door arrangement (Fixture method "R" or "S") IMPORTANT : Door clear opening height and exposure of doorway determine - the model of strip - The overlap Clear opening height up to 2.50 m - strip model L200 (200 x 2)

6 examples of strip and overlap configurations R = Strip overlap in mm Note : overlap may varied in 50 mm steps to suit conditions

Select : Standard overlap for internal opening draft (normal conditions) pedestrian passage- partitioning curtain.

Select full overlap for External opening wind pressure-good draft-dustnoise barrier

Ref. L200 R50

Ref. L200 R100

Clear opening height from 2.50 m up to 3.50 m - strip model F300 (300 x 3)
Ref. F300 R100 Ref. F300 R150

Clear opening height from 3.50 m up to 6.50 m - strip model S400 (400 x 4)
Ref. S400 R100 Ref. S400 R200

Call your Maviflex distributor for systems recommandations and pricing information

MAVIFLEX S.A. au capital de 1 590 000 - TVA U.E. FR 50 328 025 721 s 03/2002 s We reserve the right to change or modify details of the products shown in this laeflet without notice s Creation VITOSHA 33 4 78 54 65 08.

Door location is important to specify strip model to be chosen Doors used in external openings exposed to wind will need maximum overlap to prevent draught penetration The height of the door determines accordingly the width and the thickness of the strip model to choose On the other hand, door where there is heavy traffic flow, or where high loads must pass, might require a smaller overlap for easier passage. The Passport'system overlap may be varied in 50 mm steps to suit conditions The Passport' strip door is made to measure and delivered with the fixture method specified




The original name in Energy Saving hold in heat, keep out draughts Passport, Unique versatile support bracket system makes installation and strip replacement fast and easy.

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