Parky Onderhoudsinstructies Eng

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Maintenance guide
A Parky floor is very maintenance-friendly. A good follow-up of our advice will lead to an extended life of your Parky wood floor.
A few tips:

Well begun, half won!
A few precautions will ensure a longer life for your Parky floor:
" Pieces of felt under the chairs.
" Parquet wheels under office chairs and a protection mat under the chair.
" A doormat if the floor is installed at the entrance.
Small stones on your shoes can cause small scratches.
For this reason it is important to wipe your feet before stepping on the Parky floor.

Parquet wheels

Doormat !

Felt pads

How to keep your floor in a fabulous shape
You can count on the Parky Wood Floor Cleaner to clean your floor without damaging the varnish. It was specially developed to remove dirt and protect your wood. The cleaner breaks down the molecular structure of dirt, greasy deposits, sticky residues and stubborn grease stains without affecting the surface.
In order to remove all the dirt, add this specially designed Parky Wood Floor Cleaner'
to your water. Always dilute with water,
depending on the application (see table on the packaging). Apply the cleaner with a wrung cloth. Rinse and wring the dirty cloth in a second bucket of clear water. Mop a second time with the clean and wrung cloth.
BEWARE! Avoid excessive use of water.

Repair a scratch
Repair small scratches in a jiffy. Boxes with one or two pens are available, depending on the colour of your floor. Once repaired, no more dirt can penetrate the scratch.
How to use' can be found on the parky website at downloads.

A hole fixed in no time
Using the Repair Wax you can repair dents that come through the paint. The wax repairs the damage and protects your floor against penetrating moisture. The Repair Wax kit contains

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