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LUNDI 25 JUIN 2007

Monday 25 June
French experience in aluminium laminated screens, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France, in collaboration with EDF R&D, Silec Cable, Prysmian 400 kV 2500 mm2 XLPE cable system prequalifiaction and type test for Middle East environment, J. Matallana, F. Gahungu, M. Duvivier, D. Dubois, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France Large Projects of EHV underground cable sytems, K. Bjorlow-Larsen, Nexans Norway in collaboration with Prysmian, Brugg Kabel, NKT Cables, Silec Cable 87/150 (170) kV Koksijde ­ Slijkens link, Y. Leroy, D. Liemans, Nexans Benelux, F. Gahungu, Nexans France, in collaboration with Bel Engineering Superconducting cables ­ status and applications, JM Saugrain, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France, F. Schmidt, Nexans Germany Development and demonstration of a long lenght transmission voltage cold dielectric superconducting cable to operate in the Long Island Power Authority grid, F. Schmidt, Nexans Germany, N. Lallouet, Nexans France, in collaboration with American Supraconductor, Air Liquide, Long Island Power Authority

Room A 11:00-12:30



Room B Session chaired by F. Krähenbühl, Nexans Switzerland Utilisation of ceramizing materials in fire resisting cables and accessories, B. Weider, Nexans Switzerland Development of ceramifying insulation materials for cables in fire situations, G. Alexander, K. Barber, Olex Australia 16:30-18:00

Tuesday 26 June
Rapporteur: P. Mirebeau, Nexans France Modern cable system in steel pipes ­ new designed XLPE-insulated cables substituting paper-insulated pipe-type cales, V. Aue, W. Rosebrock, Nexans Germany

Room B 9 :00-10:30

Room A Evolution of space charge and internal electric field distrbutions in HVDC cable under long term testing, J. Matallana, H. Janah, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France, B. Sanden, Nexans Norway, in collaboration with the University of Montpellier Poster session Influence of the temperature and the electric field on the space charge injection phenomena in trees-containing cable insulation, D. Barras, H. Janah, Nexans France in collaboration with de University of Montpellier and Laborelec Understanding and optimization of long term ageing in cable industry, T. Stuhldreier, J. Fournier, Nexans Research Center 16:30-18:00

Room C 16:30-18:00

LUNDI 25 JUIN 2007

Wednesday 27 June
Room A

Oil replacement by water in unused oil-filled power cables, B. Dardel, J. Mattmann, L. Jaquenod, L. Van Ryssel-Berghe, S. Gehrey, F. Krähenbühl, Nexans Switzerland Use of ecoconception software to design a HV cable connection, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France, in collaboration with Prysmian, Silec Cable Ecoconception, recyclng and life cycle anaylisis in cable industry, S. Barbeau, J. Goudeau, Nexans Research Center, I. Dupont, RIPS Session chaired by G. Balog, Nexans Norway, Rapporteur: D. Dubois, Nexans France Challenges of the second submarine interconnection between Spain and Morocco, K. Stenseth, Nexans Norway, in collaboration with Red Electrica de España, Office national de l'Electricité du Maroc, Prysmian Qualification, supply and installation of the world's first 420 kV XLPE submarine cable system in Norway, G. Evenset, B. Knutsen, Nexans Norway in collaboration with Stattnett SF Initiation of electrical trees from defects in XLPE insulation under DC stress, B. Sanden, Nexans Norway, in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology of Trondheim, SINTEF Energy research, ABB Power System, Stattnett SF




Room B The use of insulated wires Milliken conductors in high power transmission underground AC lines, D. Dubois, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France Verification of mechanical support for cables used on bridge structures at dilatation point, R. Piechota, Olex Australia, en collaboration avec la Victoria University Challenges and opportunities of installing HV cables in Australia and Sri Lanka, N. Rahman, K. Barber, Olex Australia Aluminium conductors in anti-robbery cables J.A. De Paula, L.H Rosa, S. Ueda, Nexans Brazil 14:30-16:00 9:00-10:30

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kV - Nexans
kV - Nexans
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09/04/2011 -
LUNDI 25 JUIN 2007 Monday 25 June French experience in aluminium laminated screens, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France, in collaboration with EDF R&D, Silec Cable, Prysmian 400 kV 2500 mm2 XLPE cable system prequalifiaction and type test for Middle East environment, J. Matallana, F. Gahungu, M. Duvivier, D. Dubois, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France Large Projects of EHV underground cable sytems, K. Bjorlow-Larsen, Nexans Norway in collaboration with Prysmian, Brugg Kabel, NKT Cables, Silec Cable 87/150 (170)...

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10/03/2012 -
BRIO ECO3 400L A Référence : 236 801 100% LEDS AUTOTESTABLE SATI AMBIANCE NON PERMANENT Label « Performance SATI » Label « NF ENVIRONNEMENT » Bloc design extra-plat < 34 mm Technologie 100% LED Consommation < 0,8 W Garantie commerciale de 4 ans CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES : Numéro d'homologation : Indice de protection : Flux assigné : Autonomie : Classe : Dimensions : Tension d'alimentation : T09089 IP42 / IK 07 250 lm 1h II 210 x 122 x 33,8 mm (Lxlxh) 230 Vca 50Hz