news2008 en

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Edition 5, December 2008

THE NEW MARKETS: Holz Pfeifer woods on the world stage.
Russia, Mexico, India ­ the new partners.
IMSTER GLUELAM FACTORY NEW: Technical improvements in the main workshop. FULL STEAM (OR BIOMASS) AHEAD: A power plant is also planned for the new factory in Lauterbach.


IN CONVERSATIONinGiving insights and looking ahead ­
terviews with Holz Pfeifer's managing directors -- 03

FULL of the new factory in LauterPOWER A portrait bach­the steps of progress -- 06

EXCELLING pellets Unterbernbach is producing
­ a lot more than was planned -- 08

STEADFASTensuring worldThe Uelzen factory is wide stability -- 09

GLOBAL PLAYERbeBy increasing the production of ams in the Schlitz factory, the market position was strengthened -- 10

CHANGEcompany­ It all began The Konstrukto with a small saw mill -- 11

TICKET is an expensive, scarce TO INDIA In India, steel resource ­ the perfect alternative: wood -- 12

BUILDINGthe Persian Gulf BOOM They're building in
­ using Holz Pfeifer products -- 13

EASTERN GIANT formIn Russia, the quality of the S20
work beams is well known -- 14

NEW Peru and Chile, Holz Pfeifer PARTNERS Following is now also delivering to Mexico -- 15

UPGRADED Imst is being The gluelam factory in upgraded with technical improvements -- 16

Issuer: Holzindustrie Pfeifer GmbH & Co KG, Brennbichl 103, A-6460 Imst, Publisher and media owner: ECHO Zeitschriften- und Verlags Ges.m.b.H., Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 6, A-6020 Innsbruck, Credits for this issue: Holz Pfeifer: Ingo Meitinger ECHO: Sonja Niederbrunner, Michael Span, Daniela Steixner Layout/image processing: Thomas Binder Photos: Florian Lechner, Andreas Friedle, Holz Pfeifer Printer: Alpina Druck, 6020 Innsbruck

THE EXPERTS MEET Discussions, analyses and contacts in the Euroblock forum -- 18

IN SHORT products People, markets and
­ News from Pfeifer -- 20

Dans la boutique

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