New products, website, investments, eco-certification: an attacking strategy for the Joubert Group

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New products, website, investments, eco-certification: an attacking strategy for the Joubert Group
European leader for Okoume plywood, the Joubert Group confirms its position thanks to its dynamism and its presence on all fronts. On the technical side, the industrial strength of the Joubert Group and significant investments each year in Research and Development have enabled Joubert to introduce competitive products to the market, like for instance the new Joubert Primed. In terms of communication and customer service, Joubert has completely revised its website, which uses all the tricks of interactivity to give quick, complete and optimal technical answers to the purchasing advisors and trade professionals. In order to support the professionals in their projects, Joubert will again be attending the Carrefour du Bois and Techniques et Solutions Bois in Nantes this year. The Group is also rising to the challenge of ecocertification and obtaining new certificates, proving their commitment to quality. And finally, a new online book of achievements has been made available which includes the magnificent catamaran Etoile Magique built in 2004 with products from the Joubert Marine range. The Joubert Group today has 370 employees and has a production capacity of over 70 000m3 of plywood for use in the building, fittings and nautical construction markets. Thanks to this almost secular expertise and international recognition with more than 65 % of its turnover in export markets, the Joubert Group displays vitality for more services and customized answers. All to perpetuate the Group's tradition of excellence.

doc. Joubert

The latest example of the Joubert Group's policy, a large size Raute press (3 million Euros) to equip the site at Les Eliots (16).

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on-line on the website

PRESS RELEASE - may 2008

The new website: in the image of an enterprising Group
By completely restructuring its internet portal, Joubert demonstrates its ability to adapt to the new needs of the market, particularly to the requirements of efficiency and rapidity of purchasing advisors and trade professionals. More complete, more informative and more welcoming, all the tricks of interactivity are used by the new Joubert Group website to proactively assist every project. Tailored to meet the technical expectations of the professionals, the website has been conceived for two different targets: the service for purchasing advisors and end users with all the documentation on the products and practical information, and a personal partner access to technical data and prices in real time. Multilingual (French, English, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch) and international (in 10 different versions), this particularly elaborate website illustrates the openness and the development of the Group. It echoes the values that Joubert has upheld since its creation: quality, customer service and also innovation by continually offering new technical solutions; all this with utter respect for the environment.
The Homepage of the new Joubert Group website: a new tool for the professionals.

Joubert innovation
The strength of innovation of the Joubert Group lies not only in judicious investments but also in its ability to meet the needs of the market in an optimal and immediate way. Dynamic in all aspects, Joubert enrich its range of products to cover all possible applications and enriches its industrial assets in order to increase its production capacity. Current examples to demonstrate the efficiency and reactivity of Joubert are:
doc. Joubert

· Joubert Primed: a new plywood in the Joubert Expression range A great name in the world of plywood, Joubert redefines the current needs of the construction and fittings industry with leading technical solutions. In order to find a long-term solution to the problems of exterior works (joinery, cladding...), the Joubert Group has finalized an ultra-smooth pre-painted plywood panel and wishes to assert this technical and aesthetic solution. By uniting beauty and technical performance, the Joubert primed completes the Joubert Expression range. A ready-to-be-painted panel after a light sanding, this new NF Extérieur CTBX quality product combines the economic and quality advantages of plywood with an optimal paint finish.
The new press at Les Eliots, equipment to complete an ultra modern and high-performance industrial site.

· The investment in a new press for the site at Les Eliots (16) In order to satisfy evermore demanding clients, the Joubert Group boasts ultra modern and high-performance industrial assets and invests each year in its production tools. After equipping in 2006 its Saint-Jean d'Angély (17) site with a new Raute press, which increased its annual production capacity by 5 000m3, Joubert is now continuing its investment policy with a new Raute press at the Les Eliots site (16). Designed for manufacturing large size panels (mainly 310 x 153 cm and up to 310 x 183 cm), this new press has 20 levels with a hydraulic piloting regulating the thickness of the plywood, and gives out an 18 bar pressure for a temperature of 130 degrees. This 3 million euro investment will increase the competitivity of the site at Les Eliots and help reach an annual production of 40 000m3.




doc. Joubert

Quality, Security and Environment Commitments

doc. Joubert

The environmental project at Joubert and eco-certification: more than just a simple policy, a real credo.

The improvements in the work conditions on the production sites are part of the Joubert Group's commitments towards its workforce. From the management of its purchasing through to the conformity of its assets and continued training and control, Joubert has been committed since 1989 to an in depth management philosophy which also takes into account security and environmental factors. Always paying great attention to the quality of its products and mindful of respect for mankind, the Group started the ecocertification process very early on, and it is today reaching its peak with new certificates. Particularly attentive to all new environmental aspects, Joubert confirms itself as a pioneer company, not only on the supply side of its management but also in the manufacturing process and certification. There is total commitment to the traceability of all wood supplies, from France or from abroad. In France or in Gabon, notably for Okoume, the Joubert Group has developed important partnerships with the local foresters around its production sites. Having set up such a network enables a reliable checking system for the origin and quality of its supplies, all from well-managed forests. Due to the demanding Joubert requirements, partners meet the PEFC certification criteria or are in the process of achieving it. With a High Environmental Quality philosophy, Joubert places security and quality at the heart of the manufacturing process. The permanent modernization of the production tools and technical innovation as the market develops goes hand in hand with this commitment. These actions have furthermore enabled Joubert to put in place an active policy of waste management and saving of the natural resources. Indeed, at the forefront in comparison with the average wood output of the different plywood manufacturers in Europe, the Joubert Group optimizes the manufacturing and the stocking conditions to limit the loss of raw materials. Besides wanting to reduce pollution at every stage of the manufacturing process, the Joubert Group has put in place an active policy for waste management. Sorted, collected or recycled, two thirds internally recycled into energy sources, waste is no longer problematic for a responsible Group such as Joubert. As for wood waste, two thirds

of it is recycled internally for thermic energy feeding the boiler and one third is recycled externally as raw material, for example chipboard or for paper pulp. All the other waste is sorted in its entirety and collected by treatment companies in the La Rochelle region. The products of the whole of the Joubert plywood range have the CE marking which attests their conformity to the requirements in terms of mechanical resistance and stability, hygiene, health, environment, security of use, protection against noise and economy in terms of energy and thermic insulation. As a result of its voluntarist policy for durable development, the Joubert Group today rises to the ultimate challenge of ecocertification. After having established on all its sites a Quality Security and Environment chart, Joubert is obtaining the certification of its two chain of custodies in France: PEFC for wood from Europe and OLB (Origine et Légalité des Bois - Verified Legal Origin) for wood from Africa. Through this vast eco-certification policy, now part of the founding values of the Group, Joubert reaffirms its desire to offer to its clients, purchasing advisors and trade professionals, the highest guarantees of quality and of traceability for a respected environment.

From the origin of its raw materials, the Joubert Group is committed to respecting the environment with significant partnerships with the local foresters

doc. Joubert

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