Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Edition ­ May 2009


Old type :

New type :

We would like to inform you that from the 1st of May 2009, our sets of handles for wooden doors and aluminium-framed glass doors (ABCD codes : D BEQBOA and D BEQALA) will be replaced by a new type with a more modern design. We are sure that this new product will bring you and your clients an entire satisfaction. Of course, we are going to keep a small stock of the old type for ongoing installations. We stay at your disposal for any suggestions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us. With best regards, ABCD Product Department

4/6, rue des Carriers - ZAC Centre Ville - Secteur du Moulin - 91350 GRIGNY

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Dans la boutique

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New website, try it !
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