
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

a l u n i v e r s

c o m f o r t

Central control system for water chillers

Simplicity of control

NA 07.20 A

Control systems for wate


CIAT's teams of engineers and technicians use their know-how and skills to deve

Control mode selection
CONNECT and XtraCONNECT allow for various types of control adaptable to any application need. · Water return · Water supply · Energy storage control · Two setpoints that can be switched and adjusted remotely to optimise unit operation as needed (day/night setpoint, energy management, etc.) · Water law depending on the outdoor temperature completely defined by the user according to site conditions for real energy savings

External controls
Inputs: · Automatic unit on/off control · 1-2 switchover setpoints · Compressor load shedding · Heating/cooling mode selection Outputs: · General machine faults · Pump control

Water law based on outdoor temperatures

Remote management
Relay board with dry contacts
Relays the status of faults and operating modes from the mechanical room · Water flow rate fault · Frost protection fault · Pump fault · Fan fault · HP/LP fault · Compressor fault · Compressor operation
Up to 1000 metres from the unit


er chillers and heat pumps


elop control systems perfectly adapted to all CIAT water chillers and heat pumps


CMF centralised automation




User friendly and intuitive
· Multilingual · Fault memory record · Self-adjusting control · Management of control and safety settings · Balancing of compressor and pump running times CONNECT Aquaciat 2 Aquaciatpower Dynaciat XtraCONNECT Powerciat Hydrociat

Dans la boutique

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a l u n i v e r s c o m f o r t Central control system for water chillers MultiCONNECT Simplicity of control NA 07.20 A Control systems for wate CONNECT / X CIAT's teams of engineers and technicians use their know-how and skills to deve Control mode selection CONNECT and XtraCONNECT allow for various types of control adaptable to any application need. · Water return · Water supply · Energy storage control · Two setpoints that can be switched and adjusted remotely to optimise unit operation...

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