mikado - Technilum

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[Terme jadis utilise en Occident pour designer l'empereur du Japon ;
Jeu d'adresse compose d'un ensemble de baguettes]
Lampadaire a l'iconique forme trapezoidale, incontournable des projets urbains.
[Term once used in the West to refer to the Emperor of Japan;
game of skill consisting of a set of sticks]
Iconic trapezoidal shape lighting structure,
a must for urban projects.

Pantin, Maison des Compagnons (FR)
Maitrise d'ouvrage / Contracting authority:
Immobiliere 3F
Architecte / Architect: Cobe
© Mathieu Ducros

Propriete exclusive de Technilum® - Donnees non contractuelles, susceptibles d'etre modifiees sans preavis.
Exclusive property of Technilum® - non-binding contents, may be modified without prior notice.

p 1/6



Construction en aluminium / Integralement sans soudure
Aluminum made / Entirely weld-free

0°, 5°, 10°, 20°
(double : 0°)

800 / 1000 mm

86 mm

114 mm

134 mm

500 mm


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