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High speed door for internal application





Roll-up technology. Industrial, commercial and Food industry application.




The new high speed door Mavinov is a concentrate of technologies tested by Maviflex over the years.
This compact and silent door will adapt to any internal environment. You can choose between different types (essential, premium, eco) in either galvanised , epoxy coated or stainless steel frames. This new Mavinov door will delight you with its exceptional reliability. It is equipped with the breakaway patented "Traficontrol "system. This system will guaranty you a permanent functionality of the door. So as to comply with the fire resistance standards (NFP92.507), the curtain is classified M2. Composed of an optimum active and passive security system, this new Mavinov door will conform to the norm EN 13241-1 The strain is limited as the shaft and the curtain have little inertia. The door and particularly the curtain are entirely recyclable.

Multi safety device Norm EN 13241-1
The roll-up door MAVINOV complies with the norm EN 13241-1 and with CE marking Patented SAFE SCREEN system: limited strain with reduced inertial shaft and curtain 2 safety photocells are positioned on the horizontal axe to detect pedestrians and vehicles The door complies with CEM regulations 0.5 m/s closing speed Orange flashing light show when the door is working Manual for operation and maintenance

Match your corporate colours with 6 frame and curtains colours available.

Mavinov insulates your premises against noise, air, dust... A sealing top hood insures a complete insulation between the transom and the shaft Lateral curtain sleeve seals are maintained tight to favour a good air tightness between the flexible guides and the curtain Lateral sleeve seal reinforced by the "Draft Killer" system with flexible guide covers (except eco pack version) The soft bottom edge is in contact with the floor Sound attenuation = 16 dB A Thermal insulation: U = 5 W/m²°C (= a 4 mm thick pane).

White RAL 9016

Red RAL 3002

Ivory RAL 1015

Draught and Wind resistance

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