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high-speed fold-up door for inside freeze application





Mavicold is the strong, energy efficient High-Speed Door for cold stores -1°C to -30°C or Chiller Room.

Features and benefits : - Mavicold unique insulated curtain technology - Internal heating system prevents frost and ice build-up - Revolutionary soft bottom edge - Takes safety and durability to another dimension

Flexible Guide




Frame characteristics

Match your corporate colours with 9 available frame and curtain colours

Self supporting mill galvanized steel frame with polyester powder coated finish for maximum anticorrosion protection Thermal break frame construction eliminates frost Standard colour Grey RAL 7016, other RAL colours available on request Strip heaters mounted on the frame minimize frost and ice build-up Flexible guide Options Frame in stainless steel AISI 304L or 316L ensures food safe applications.

White RAL 9016

Red RAL 3002

Ivory RAL 1015

Insulated curtain
Energy efficient curtain construction : heat and humidity are reflected away and separated from cold by innovative fabric with high thermal efficiency : U = 2 W/m2/°C Multi-reflective thermal insulation = heat from outside is reflected back outside = cold generated within the cold room is reflected back inside Thin curtain with high insulation Reduced sound transmission and resonance Greater durability in high impact area Curtain built in draft resistance (ensure complete closure) is equipped with peripheric seals and fiberglass - (GRP) -horizontal strenghtheners Curtain folding method minimizes frost and ice buildup Mavicold is equipped with seamless safety straps (3900 daN per strap) for added safety.

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