Lattice GBD35BY

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Every roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is handcrafted with care at our factory in Dorset. Using our own, richly pigmented paint, traditional techniques and bespoke equipment, we print on responsibly sourced paper. Printing paint on paper creates a beautifully tactile finish and means each roll is utterly unique. Using our paint in particular ensures every design has the richness and depth of colour we're known for and works wonderfully with our paint used on other surfaces. You won't find wallpaper like ours anywhere else.

Paper Information:
While based on a 19th-century design, Lattice has an undeniable sense of modernity. Its lines flow from finely drawn to full, creating a central focal point for a feature wall, or adding mesmerising movement to a fully papered room.

Pattern Number


Previous Book

BP 35

Latest and Greatest


Pattern Repeat or Stripe Width

Roll Width

Roll Length

2.6cm (11 1/16")



Pattern Matching
Offset Match: The pattern on the next strip must be shifted by the height shown. This is typically half or quarter of the pattern repeat.
Straight Match: The same patterns must be matched at the same height. The pattern matches straight across the width.
No Matching: Patterns do not need to be considered when hanging wallpaper. No matching required; lengths can be cut straight from the roll without wastage.
Reverse Alternate Lengths: Every other strip must be reversed. Mostly applicable to plain effects and necessary to minimise the risk of side shading.

Ordering Advice:
For best results please take care to order a sufficient number of rolls to complete your decorating project, as due to the traditional nature of our wallpaper manufacturing process, subsequent orders of wallpaper rolls may come from a different production run and you may notice some subtle, yet visible differences between batches. We recommend you allow for an extra roll in case of accidents during hanging - you can always keep any overs handy for future repairs, to line drawers or paper the inside of wardrobes. For advice on calculating roll requirements for your

Dans la boutique

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Lattice JAD35BY
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??T?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0? LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Farrow?Ball 0nX?}0o0Y0y0f0t?X?0k?Man0W0_}0kr???0nONVOCl4|?XWe?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0W0fO?0?0f0D0~0Y0 X?}0k??0Y0?`?X1: 19N}0nN?0?0?0?0?0?0K0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?_?0_ Lattice 0o0Y0P0k0]0?0h0?0K0?0o0c0M0?0h0W0_0?0n0?0?`'0?0?0c0f0D0~0Y0 }0nzN0K0?zN0~0g0?0F0m0?0?0F0jg?0L?E`?v?0gw 0?0???0D0~0Y0Lattice 0om>bK0U0h0?0?0?0?0?0l??0U0hN T?0U0?Q|0mP?0H0_0?0?0?0?0g0Y0 0?0n0?0?0?0?0?0?: 0?0?0?T : N?RM0n0?0?0?T : BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A 0?0n0?0?0n0?0?0?0?/0?0?0?0?0?0n^E: 0?0?0?0n^E: 0?0?0?0n?w0U: 2.6cm...

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