LABEL HOLDER for shelving system FERMOSTOCK - Fermod

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

LABEL HOLDER for shelving system FERMOSTOCK
" Label holder for the shelving systems FERMOSTOCK 6611 - 6811 6811/B - 6622.
" Indicate any information regarding the products being stored
(expiry date, barcode, customer's name...).
" The information can be written on a paper label* or directly onto the label holder (erasable or permanent marker).
" Simple and easy mounting through clipping onto the side bar.
" Removable and easy repositioning.
" No adhesive labels required (no risk of detachment).
" Put barcodes taken from packaging directly into the label holder.
" Sold individually for a maximum label size of 100x52 mm*.
* Labels not supplied


< 15/05/XX




75, rue de Richelieu - 75002 PARIS - FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0)1 42 96 94 06 - Fax +33 (0)1 42 86 84 51


« In order to improve the quality of our products, FERMOD reserve the right to modify any products without notice. The characteristics and pictures of the products presented on this documentation are not of any legal value.»

Imp. Polyservices - Beauvais Edition du 23/02/2015 " e-mail:
Siege Social : Senlis (Oise) - Societe Anonyme au Capital de 1 004 400 ¬
RCS Compiegne B 301 468 211 - Siret 301 468 211 00018 - APE 2572 Z

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