Ksb Ohv2023 Uebersicht Abstimmungsergebnisse Data

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KSB SE & Co. KGaA, Frankenthal ordinary Annual General Meeting on 08/05/2024

Voting results - Overview
Item 1

Resolution on adopting the annual financial statements of KSB SE & Co.
KGaA for the 2023 financial year
813,553 Shares for which valid votes were cast (= 46.45 % of capital stock)
813,551 Yes votes
(99.99 %)
2 No votes
(0.01 %)
8 Abstentions


Item 2

Resolution on the appropriation of the balance sheet profit for the 2023
financial year
813,554 Shares for which valid votes were cast (= 46.45 % of capital stock)
813,552 Yes votes
(99.99 %)
2 No votes
(0.01 %)
7 Abstentions


Item 3

Resolution on the ratification of the actions of the General Partner of KSB
SE & Co. KGaA for the 2023 financial year
808,772 Shares for which valid votes were cast (= 46.18 % of capital stock)
794,784 Yes votes
(98.27 %)
13,988 No votes
(1.73 %)
7 Abstentions


Item 4

Resolution on the ratification of the actions of the Supervisory Board of
KSB SE & Co. KGaA for the 2023 financial year
808,772 Shares for which valid votes were cast (= 46.18 % of capital stock)
787,831 Yes votes
(97.41 %)

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