KIWA 21 DW 10137 2021 09 27 Fin

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Conformity Attestation
No.: KIWA-21-DW-10137
of the certification body regarding the suitability of products for drinking water hygiene  P1

Pipes (P1) where ID < 80 mm
Multilayer Pipes PE-RT/Al/PE-RT
Temperature 23°C and 60°C


Prandelli S.p.A.
Via Rango, 58
25065 Lumezzane (BS)

ðx according to system 1+ with external monitoring for the following production sites:

25065 Lumezzane (BS), Italy

Reference / confirmation:
It is hereby confirmed that the above mentioned product / component based on:


the certification program "D6 KTW-UBA dated 2019-04-16-Rev03" of the certification body:
Kiwa GmbH, Gutenbergstr. 29, 48268 Greven ,


the Recommendation Conformity attestation of product hygiene suitability for drinking water ,


the product information provided, including the recipe evaluation R20098,
the evaluation reports/test reports mentioned on page 2,

fulfills the requirements of the assessment basis/guideline of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA):


Kiwa GmbH

Dans la boutique

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Firmato digitalmente da: BELCREDI GIAMPIERO Data: 08/05/2023 09:49:06

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