Einfach flexibel in 3D f?r Brandschutzt?ren EI30 EI90
Haute flexibilit? en 3D pour portes coupe-feu EI30 EI90
Great flexibility in 3D for fire rated doors EI30 EI90
EI30 EI90
3D-verstellbares Anschraubband forster fuego light
Paumelle ? visser r?glable 3D
forster fuego light
3D-adjustable screw-on hinge forster fuego light
" 3D-verstellbar
" Edelstahl 1.4301
" Korrosionsbest?ndigkeit Klasse 4
" Gepr?ft nach EN 1935 und EN 1634
" F?r Drehfl?gelantrieb geeignet
" F?r Standard Rohrrahment?r und
Blecht?r geeignet
" R?glable 3D
" Acier inox 1.4301
" R?sistance ? la corrosion classe 4
" Test?e selon EN 1935 et EN 1634
" Adapt? aux ouvre-portes automatiques
" Pour portes ? ch?ssis tubulaire standard et portes t?l?es
" 3D-adjustable
" Stainless steel 1.4301
" Corrosion resistance class 4
" Tested to EN 1935 and EN 1634
" Also combination with door openers
" For standard tubular frame doors and sheet metal doors
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