Intermat/Ecomat Fast assembly hinges - Hettich

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Fast assembly hinges


Intermat - maintenanceIntermat is sophisticated hinge technology made by Hettich.
Its external appearance indicates quality. Long service life and great ease of use round off the hinge profile.

Eccentric height adjustment
Exact door height alignment without loosening screws


-free, robust, quiet, reliable!
Concealed latch simple, safe, reliable

Eccentric depth adjustment
Exact door depth alignment without loosening screws

Superflat cup design
Huge product range with over 100 mounting options

3 mm


Hettich Face Frame
Mounting plate for overlay construction with eccentric height adjustment!
The Hettich face frame mounting plates enable you to combine high end European hinge technology and face frame cabinetry.
In addition cam adjustment features allow you to be flexible and precise.
Together with Hettich Intermat or Ecomat hinges this mounting plate offers you variety of door design possibilities.

± 2 mm


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Luminaire Code AGA A10 2800 Name AGA LED WHITE A10/2800°K-24V Line AGABEKOV 2009 Measurement Code CLF1414/09-05I-BF Name AGA LED WHITE A10/2800°K-BOMB Date 06-04-2009 Lamp Code Number Position Efficiency 100.00% Coordinate system C-G Total Flux Maximum value 4191.53 cd/klm Position C=330.00 G=2.00 Asymmetrical 1000 mm 995 mm Width Width 15 mm 15 mm Height Height

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