Interior design: More stylish living spaces thanks to NOVELIO® Decoration !

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Interior design:

More stylish living spaces thanks to NOVELIO® Decoration !
Widely recognized for its technical performance and its high quality/price ratio, NOVELIO® glass fabric still has surprises in store. Its numerous technological advantages, provided by its flexible coating, were already well known. Now, the newest advantage of this wall covering is its high capacity for decoration, thanks to the NOVELIO® Decoration line, marketed and sold by Euromur. Available in 30 original patterns, featuring a wide variety of styles, the new NOVELIO® Decoration line opens multiple possibilities for individual or collective environments, both for new constructions and for renovations.

The new NOVELIO® glass fabric collection offers a wide choice of original patterns. Here, NOVELIO® Exclusive, in the Ondulation model. Rolls 30 x 1 m.

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When technology combines with love of beauty
A complete product line of paintable wall coverings, NOVELIO® Decoration is made of 100% woven glass fibers, coated with a flexible resin. By perfecting this new technology, Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics has improved the usual performance of the wall coverings originally used to mask small imperfections and microcracks in old walls, as well as allowing speedy, perfectly-finished delivery of premises. More flexible than traditional paintable fabrics, NOVELIO® Decoration has demonstrated its exceptional dimensional stability in covering walls and ceilings. It is deformation- and wrinkle-proof. Its structural qualities and easy handling guarantee quick installation ­ requiring no special tools ­ and extreme precision. NOVELIO® Decoration's special coating provides a pleasing quality to the touch, very pleasant to install, combined with possibilities for positioning, repositioning, and optimal cutting for discreet joins and perfect finishing, even in difficult areas such as curves, corners, and columns.
doc. Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics

Thanks to its flexible coating, NOVELIO® Decoration provides greater flexibility in installation and perfect dimensional stability. Here, NOVELIO® Decoration Florentines, the Chevrine model. Rolls 30 x 1 m.

Customized decoration via original patterns
NOVELIO® Decoration, a high-end line of paintable fabrics, provides a quick and durable solution without to sacrificing beauty. With a broad palette of patterns, the product superbly optimizes the work of professionals: interior architects and decorators find a powerful material for their creation, while other individuals experience the opportunity for truly personal, accessible decoration. NOVELIO® Decoration boasts new original patterns, joining texture and dynamism to color. Simple and elegant, NOVELIO® Decoration paintable fabrics come in three variants: Exclusive, Florentine, and Friezes, which provide a large number of patterns that meet all of today's decorating requirements and desires. · Exuberant and original, NOVELIO® Exclusive offers more texture. It is characterized by large Jacquardstyle motifs (Palm, Peony, Fern, Branches, Edelweiss, Aztec, Sharp Signs, Flint, Cosmos, Cashmere, Foliage). Thanks to the exclusive weaving of company logos, inscriptions, designs, and more, this collection gives creativity free rein and is part of the current trend toward customized decoration.

doc. Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics

The NOVELIO® Florentines collection returns to the simple, dynamic lines of classic forms. Here, NOVELIO® Florentines, the Diamantine model. Rolls 30 x 1 m.

doc. Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics


doc. Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics


1 Designed to decorate smooth walls or walls covered with glass fabric, the NOVELIO® Friezes line lends a touch of elegance. Here, NOVELIO® Friezes, the Florentine model. Rolls 10.5 x 0.28 m. 2 As a technical and decorative solution, NOVELIO® Decoration meets the needs of individual or collective environments. Here, NOVELIO® Florentines, the Crépine model. Rolls 30 x 1 m. 3 Focusing on texture and large-scale motifs, the NOVELIO® Exclusive collection helps create a very up-to-date style. Here, NOVELIO® Exclusive, the Cosmos model. Rolls 30 x 1 m.

· Similar to lace, NOVELIO® Florentines plays on the balance between small geometrical patterns (Chevrine, Diamantine, Mini losange, Petite diagonale, Croisine, Crépine, Losine, Entreline, Dravine, Grésine). The symmetrical lines, dots and tracery work together to create harmony in any interior. · As a well-matched complement to the NOVELIO® Decoration product line, NOVELIO® Friezes has four classic and contemporary styles (Geometry, Graffiti, Florentine and Classic) that are easy to coordinate with the NOVELIO® decors. The mechanical performance of these decorative friezes are enhanced by their artistic qualities, allowing varied compositions on smooth walls or surfaces covered with a standard glass fabric. Traditionally painted with satin finish paint, NOVELIO® Decoration glass fabrics also allow the creation of effects and offer a chance to play with matte or waxed surface finishes. Different types of decoration are now possible, such as an application with a graining brush or sponge, to create customized color areas, creating a broad field of decorative expression.

doc. Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics


By combining technical and artistic qualities, NOVELIO® Decoration paintable wall covering meets the needs for competitiveness on work sites, and the safety requirements for buildings. Ultra healthy, NOVELIO® Decoration paintable wall covering is fully integrated into the Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics HQE® process, thanks to its Class 1 Oeko-tex Standard 100 certification. Moreover, thanks to its 100% glass fiber structure and its flexible coating, NOVELIO® Decoration allows reduction of paint consumption by 50 to 100g/sqm. The stability it provides for positioning and cutting considerably reduces waste at building sites; its multiple resistance to shocks, humidity and fire provide exceptional durability; and its wrapping is made entirely of recycling material, creating a totally ecologically sound product with very high added value.

Technical characteristics of the NOVELIO® Decoration product line:
Fire classification: B-s1, d0 on A1 or A2 materials Class 1 Oeko-tex Standard 100 certification. NOVELIO® Exclusive and Florentines: Rolls 30 x 1 m NOVELIO® Friezes: Rolls 10.5 ml

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