Innovative opening function for handleless kitchens - Hettich

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Innovative opening function for handleless kitchens
Push to open Silent for ArciTech drawers

Engineered by Hettich, ArciTech and the new Push to open
Silent function culminate in a system drawer that combines a mechanical Push to open mechanism with the convenience and luxurious feel of Silent System. The result: classy handleless design and high user convenience from using standard
ArciTech drawer elements for cost-effective production.

Push to open Silent  convenient opening function
Working on an all-mechanical basis, Push to open Silent manages to do what has previously only been possible with electromechanical systems: It brings together handleless design with a high level of drawer opening and closing convenience. The Push to open
Silent mechanism is triggered simply by pressing the drawer front.
In most cases, the large self-opening distance makes it unnecessary to pull the drawer out any further, saving time and particularly convenient if hands happen to be full. Closing the drawer automatically reloads the Push to open mechanism before the drawer glides home in a gently softened movement.

Benefiting from cleverly devised setting capabilities, Push to open
Silent perfectly adjusts to different drawer sizes and weights. Adjustable release sensitivity and opening force provide a high level of convenience throughout. The integrated depth adjustment facility permits perfect front panel alignment with narrow gap between drawer fronts.

Hettich Management Service GmbH
Dr. Nina Stackelbeck
Vahrenkampstrasse 12-16
32278 Kirchlengern
Phone: +49 5223 77-1168
Fax: +49 5223 77-21168
Voucher copy requested
P32, 17.07.2014

Push to open Silent makes it easy to create handleless kitchens and furniture because drawers, runners, carcases and front panels can be used without having to alter them. The mechanism simply fits under the drawer base, scoring in particular where there's no room for an electromechanical system behind the drawer.

ArciTech drawer system  Made for the future
An ArciTech drawer is distinguished by its unequalled running action and exceptional stability. The Actro runner's prism principle gives it impressively smooth, even running performance. Catering to loading categories of 40, 60 and 80 kg, ArciTech can cope with any demand. The broad product line-up based on a single platform now features the new champagne drawer side profile colour in addition to silver, white, anthracite and stainless steel. ArciTech is available in two drawer side profile and six rear panel heights.
For the high-end segment, the range comes with the option of a
126 mm side profile height with Design Side in glass or TopSide

Dans la boutique

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