InnoTech drawer system - Hettich

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KAT_083_095_G5_USA.qxd 01.02.2006 0:44 Uhr Seite 83

InnoTech drawer system


KAT_083_095_G5_USA.qxd 02.02.2006 20:05 Uhr Seite 84

User-friendly and utterly stylish

Uniquely different  sleek design and fine materials
The outside of the drawer profile is classically straight, the smoothly curved inside is pleasant to touch and good to look at.

The high-quality powder-coated finish is easy to keep clean, gives you excellent scratch resistance and prevents unsightly fingerprints.

Steel drawers make sense.
They look good and keep their shape  and value  throughout their long life.

Silent System  sounds great!
Slamming drawers push up kitchen noise levels. Silent System technology does the opposite. By making sure drawers close with barely a whisper, it helps reduce noise and stress levels in the kitchen.


KAT_083_095_G5_USA.qxd 01.02.2006 0:46 Uhr Seite 85

Suits every taste  TopSide variants
InnoTech s distinctive design is continued in the TopSides.
TopSides made of translucent plastic create a feeling of light and lightness.
For greater individuality, special
Top-Side versions made of glass or other premium materials can be clipped on using universal adapters.

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