Information On Harmlessness Duropal High Pressure Laminate D... Im0026782

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September 21

Duropal High Pressure Laminate
Duropal Compact High Pressure Laminate
Our decorative high pressure laminates (HPL) and compact laminates consist of paper and synthetic resins that harden under heat; the proportion of paper is more than 60 percent of weight.
The material core forms the major part of the material, and consists of unbleached core paper layers that are saturated in phenolic formaldehyde resins. The decorative surface is formed by a printed or dyed décor paper with a top layer of melamine formaldehyde resin. Both resins are thermoplastics, and harden completely during the manufacturing process by heat and high pressure. They form a stable, resistant and non-reactive material.
The surface is physiologically absolutely safe, and approved for direct contact with food. This has been confirmed to us by ISEGA, an independent research and investigation laboratory.
Pyroex laminates used for preventive fire protection in buildings are flame-retardant. The additives used to that effect are halogen-free and remain effective throughout the entire service life of the product.
Our Duropal HPL and Duropal HPL Compact-products are produced without adding any preservatives or organic solvents. They are manufactured according to the EN 438 standard, with very low formaldehyde emissions clearly below the legal limit for E1 wood-based materials.
By applying approved methods of manufacture and control as part of our ISO 9001- and ISO
14001-certified integrated management system, we continuously guarantee the perfect quality of our products.

For additional information please refer to the environmental product declaration (EPD) for decorative laminates provided by ICDLI, which can be obtained from us or at

PM HPL/elements
© Copyright 2021 Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
This information has been compiled with the greatest care. Nevertheless we can assume no liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of this information.
Colour deviations caused by the printing technology are possible. In view of the ongoing further development and adaptation o f our products, possible amendments to the relevant standards, laws and regulations, our technical data sheets and product documentation expressly do not constitute a legally binding assurance of the properties described there. In particular no guarantee of suitability for a concrete application can be derived. It is therefore the personal responsibility of the individual user in all cases to check the processing and suitability of the products described in this document for the intended application in advance, and to take into consideration the legal framework and the respective state-of-the-art. We furthermore expressly draw attention to the applicability of our General Terms and Conditions. You can find our general terms and conditions on our webpage:

Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 51
92318 Neumarkt


+49 (0) 9181 28 - 480
+49 (0) 9181 28 - 482 www.

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