
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Please read and understand the entire staining procedure before attempting to finish the door.
Be sure to follow the paint manufacturers detailed application instructions on the product label.


Doors can be stained either hanging in the opening or removed from the frame
(recommended). Should you remove the door, take care to protect it from damage.
Sidelites will need to be finished vertically. To remove the door from the frame, use a center punch and hammer. Strike the hinge pin from the bottom until it pops up (for outswing units  hinge leaf must be removed from the door). Drive the hinge pin as far as possible with the punch. Using a pair of pliers, grasp the hinge pin and, while twisting, pull the pin out. Remove all door hardware.


Find a well-lit staining location that is dust-free, well ventilated and within the climate conditions recommended by the stain/top-coat manufacturer.
Coatings and accessories:
n Mineral spirits n Lint-free rags or cheese cloth (recommended)
n 2" wide foam brush n Safety razor blades n One pair of rubber gloves n Stir sticks n Masking tape n Stain
 High-quality, opaque (non-transparent), heavily pigmented, oil-based stain
 Gel stains can also be used
 Semi-transparent stains are not recommended n High-quality, exterior grade, UV stabilized polyurethane sealant (satin or low gloss)
n 2-1/2"  wide china bristle brush
n Hammer  n Center punch  n Safety glasses  n Phillips screwdriver  n Pliers


IMPORTANT: Dust, debris and other surface contaminants can accumulate on the surface of the door. Therefore, to achieve best results and maximum coating adhesion, wipe/
clean all surfaces of the door panel(s) and sidelite(s) thoroughly with mineral spirits. Allow the surface to dr completely  until there is no residual odor. Mask (tape) off all surfaces that will not be stained.

Use a high quality, heavily pigmented, oil-based stain (recommended). Gel stains can also be used. Before starting, and occasionally throughout the project, stir the stain until the texture is creamy. We recommend that before starting, you try staining a small

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