Hanging System T Track

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Instructions  Hanging System T Track

Hold the first section of track in place tight against the ceiling and mark the screw holes. Drill and fix the first section of track in place with the screw holes running along the top. Then repeat this process for the second section after inserting one of the pins (supplied) into the 2mm hole at the end of the track and engaging with the next section. This will ensure that the tracks all align beautifully.
Repeat this process until you reach the last section and trim to the correct length.

Hanging your Artworks
With Perlon cord, feed the cord through the top block and hook' it into the track.
With stainless cable, feed the cord through the top block and hook' it into the track.
With stainless rods, hook the top block into the track and screw the rods into place from beneath.
Slide the appropriate barrel up the cord or rod from the bottom and tighten at the required height with the bolt heads facing toward you. It's much easier to do this with the two lengths side by side so that the barrel heights match.
For artworks with cord on the back, just place the cord over the hook. If you are using the Small Ryman Hanger, hook it over the small bolt and discard the large one and vice versa for the Large Ryman Hanger. For maximum strength be sure to tighten both the bolt (using a screwdriver) and the grub screw (using an Allen key).
With the rods at the correct distance apart, the artwork is lifted into place so that the protruding bolt heads engage with the Ryman plate on the back of the artwork.

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