
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Gather is a sofa program that has taken the best from two worlds; the practicality of a modular and the aesthetics of a stand-alone. Designed by Andreas Engesvik.

Gather is a sofa program that has taken the best from two worlds;
the practicality of a modular and the aesthetics of a stand-alone.
The program allows you to setup configurations best suitable for your needs, without compromising on aesthetics or comfort.
Thin legs are mounted on a steel frame with free modules placed on top. This gives the program several benefits in production,
logistics, configurations and assembly. The holistic expression of
Gather is based on its chunky yet fitted volumes divided by its characteristic seem that goes around the sofa. A perfect sofa for the workplace or even your home.
Design Andreas Engesvik




GATHER Sofas in your way. FEATHER Lounge chairs and tables are a perfect match.



Whatever fabric you choose, GATHER is stylish and welcoming. Here in leather: Cognac (54035).



GATHER, 4 seats with chaise lounge, in leather: Cognac (54035).



GATHER chaise lounge, in leather: Cognac (54035)



GATHER 2 x 1,5 seat. Fabric: Rime (521) champagne pink.

Dans la boutique

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