Floor Socket Barrier

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Instructions - Floor Socket Barrier

Barriers are supplied in packs of two, complete with an Allen key for assembly.
1. Mark out the position of the sockets. Normal spacing is approx' 2.5mtrs between posts,
but this can be increased to 3mtrs on occasion, so long as the tension on the cord is sufficient to maintain a straight and level line.
2. Drill the holes in the floor surface using an appropriate masonry drill to produce a clean lipped hole 28mm to 30mm dia' and approx' 73mm deep and clear the hole of any dust or debris.
3. Tighten each upright firmly into its socket.
4. To get the best from this equipment we recommend installing the sockets with the uprights inserted to ensure the cord slots at the top of the post are correctly aligned.
5. Apply an epoxy resin to the base and sides of the hole and insert the socket, being sure to bed it down' by using small backwards and forwards rotational motions to assist the movement of the resin.
6. If required carefully apply additional resin to any gap at the top of the socket to ensure that the finish is flush with the floor and clean off any excess resin that squeezes out.
7. Use a spirit level to check that the upright it is absolutely vertical, and if necessary support in this position whilst the resin cures.
Then, when the resin is cured, for PPC barriers, follow these guidelines...
8. Remove the top caps using your finger or a small screwdriver and tie a simple granny'
knot in the end of the elasticated cord. Pull it very tight and cut off any excess cord close to the knot.
9. Push the knot into the recess in the top of the upright with the cord exiting through one of the slots and replace the cap.
10. Pull the cord tight to the next barrier with enough tension to make a straight line and push into the slots: straight across if it is a straight line or at right angles if it is at a corner.
11. Repeat step 9 for the last barrier or use a wall terminator.
Note: In an installation where the object is completely surrounded, instead of two separate knots tie the two ends together with a reef knot, pull very tight and cut off the ends. If required, cut off one of the cap legs to accommodate the size of this knot.
A line of barriers can also end with the cord returning to the wall by using a wall terminator.

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