Finder Spa Iso 500012018 En

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Via Drubiaglio, 14 - 10040 ALMESE (TO)
Certified sites are listed in the attachment to this certificate

Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A. certifies that the Management System of the above organization has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the management system standards detailed below

ISO 50001:2018
Scope of certification
Design, production, marketing and after sales assistance of pcb, plug in and power relays, relay interface modules, relay sockets and accessories, timers and monitoring relays, electromechanical and electronic devices for industrial panels, residential and commercial applications, through the steps of: blanking metals, thermal treatment of metals, plastic materials moulding, coil winding, assembly, tampo printing, laser printing, welding, use of resins, washing relay. Self production of electricity via photovoltaic system.

Original Cycle Start Date:


Expiry date of previous cycle:


Certification / Recertification Audit date:


Certification/Recertification Cycle Start date:


Subject to the continued satisfactory operation of the organization's
Management System, this certificate expires on:


Certificate No. IT327202

Version: 1

Revision date: 27-November-2023

Certification Body Address:
Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A., Viale Monza, 347 - 20126 Milan, Italy
Further clarifications regarding the scope of this certificate and the applicability of the management system requirements may be obtained by consulting the organization.
To check the validity of this certificate please double click or scan QR CODE

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