Estiluz Ondiseo April 2024 In

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Arquitectura, interiorismo, arte, diseño industrial y gráfica / Architecture, interior design, art, industrial design and graphics


Paisajismo y espacio público
Landscaping and public space

Arquitectura e Interiorismo / Architecture and Interior Design: Archivo de las Vanguardias. Archive of the Avant-Garde. Dresde. Germany | Casa del Relojero y nueva planta para Centro Cultural. Clockmaker's House and new build for a Culture Centre. Valencia | Reforma de la fábrica Germans Climent y adecuación como tanatorio. Reform of the Germans Climent Factory to adapt it as a funeral parlour. Barcelona | Casa Zariquiey. Zariquiey House. Cadaqués, Girona | Consolidación de Sant Cristòfol dels Horts.
Consolidation of Sant Cristòfol dels Horts. Albanyà, Girona | Biblioteca Ca l'Altisent y Jardins de la Font del Rector. Ca l'Altisent Library and La Font del Rector Gardens. Sant
Climent de Llobregat, Barcelona | Intervención en la Almandraba de Nueva Umbría. Intervention in the Almandraba of Nueva Umbría. Huelva | Parque de los Jardinillos. Park of
Los Jardinillos. Palencia | Canopia Urbana . Urban Canopy . Barcelona | Cornisa y laderas del Conquero. Cornice and slopes of the Conquero. Huelva | Parque de la Marina del
Prat Vermell. Marina del Prat Vermell Park. Barcelona | Plaça de la Vila. Plaça de la Vila town square. Sencelles, Mallorca.
Informe técnico / Technical report: Outdoor. Mobiliario, iluminación y textiles | Outdoor. Furniture, lighting and textiles.

20 ¬ SPAIN / EUROPE 23 ¬ / USA

8 435004 410005

Baliza orientable para uso exterior, con clasificación
IP65, pensada para la iluminación de caminos.
Fabricada en aluminio mecanizado y extruído, está
dotada de un micro-proyector fabricado en aluminio mecanizado, un cristal de protección en borosilicato y una óptica oval orientable en el plano vertical de
135º. Equipo incorporado IP65.

Adjustable beacon for outdoor use, with IP65
classification, devised for lighting up paths. Made from mechanised and extruded aluminium, it is equipped with a micro-projector made from mechanised aluminium, a protective borosilicate glass and an oval optic adjustable by 135º on the vertical plane.
Embedded IP65 unit.


Lámpara Led de aluminio con una geometría inspirada en la forma de las piedras preciosas. Diseñada para instalarse directamente en el suelo, su haz de luz marca

Dans la boutique

Estiluz Disen O Interior July 2021
Estiluz Disen O Interior July 2021
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Nº 340/ 5,90 % REVISTA MENSUAL Bélgica 12,20 % Portugal 5,90 % Grecia 12,50 % Andorra 5,90 % Suiza 12,50 CHF INTERIORISMO ARQUITECTURA Y DISEÑO PROYECTOS: Reûect Architects Raúl Sánchez Figurr Architects Collective López Vilalta Wise Designs Miralles 2021 Tadao Ando&Bouroullec: Museo Pinault Mueble doméstico Cerramientos VIVIENDAS NUEVOSÿýUSOS ESPECIAL ILUMINACIÓN CuldeSac Brut de Luxe External Reference Lai Jofré Roca tp benett&Nulty Guía de Productos especial iluminación 2...

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Press Estiluz Darc Magazine Jan Feb20
Press Estiluz Darc Magazine Jan Feb20
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14 Hills | Roman Klis Office | The Toybox Modular Lighting Guide | German Design Report | Light + Building Preview | Bar Lighting | Capsule Collection 034 | PROJECT | ROM AN KLIS As initially planned, the lighting elements chosen enhance the vivid colourful interior concept by highlighting the surfaces and the plants. To accentuate the coloured surfaces, all luminaires should emit a uniform light with very good colour rendering,  expands Möbs. To avoid competition between lighting and the...

Press Estiluz Darc Magazine Jan Feb19
Press Estiluz Darc Magazine Jan Feb19
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DECORATIVE LIGHTING IN ARCHITECTURE #29 JAN/FEB 2019 ANDLIGHT MANA RESTAURANT DUBAI DESIGN REPORT TIVOLI CINEMA " 2LG DESIGN STUDIO " DINING WITH LIGHT FEATURE " SLS LUX HOTEL " THE DA VINCI COLLECTION " KAIKAYA 078 CASE STUDY FEATURE | DINING | ECONOMY WITH LIGHT HOTEL Private Residential Israel, Middle East Studio Erez Hyatt is a design studio known for creating residential, luxury apartments. They focus on minimalist and functional creation, based on a complex and precise design that matches...

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Press Estiluz Vivir En El Campo June21 Int
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Estiluz Interior Design June 2023 In
Estiluz Interior Design June 2023 In
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SPRING 2023 big, bold moves! spring market tabloid 1 2 8 graphic lines Stark black and white is as minimal as it is impactful 3 Rondo stools in aluminum with proprietary coating and handwoven Olefin rope in Talc/Fossil by JANUS et Cie. 2. Dougan Clarke's Mainland planters in powder-coated marine-grade aluminum by Tuuci. 3. Porcelain slabs in Aluminous by Caesarstone. 1. 4 4. Montego bar stools and table in thermally modified ash and stainless steel...

Estiluz Interior Design May 2022 In
Estiluz Interior Design May 2022 In
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MAY 31 2022 in shape spring market tabloid lighting 2 1 3 4 5 6 earthly delights Taking inspiration from nature is always a bright idea 1. Kelly Behun's Paavo chandelier in plaster and gold leaf by Hudson Valley Lighting. 2. Jake Oliveira's Spire Leaf Pendant 9 in antiqued brass and porcelain with LEDs by Boyd Lighting. 3. Lukas Peet's Double Helix configuration Pebble chandelier of aluminum and blown glass with LED lighting in slate...

Ag09032022 Formulaire Unique De Vote Et De Procuration
Ag09032022 Formulaire Unique De Vote Et De Procuration
25/06/2024 -
ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ORDINAIRE CADRE RESERVE A LA SOCIETE Actions DU 9 MARS 2022 Société Anonyme à Conseil d'Administration, au capital de 5 549 144,22 ¬ Siège social : 210. Avenue Saint Jean d'Angely 79000 NIORT Attention ! RCS Niort 025 580 143 Choisissez : ðŒ ou ð ou ðŽ Voix N+ de 5 ans ............. ............ ............... N - de 5 ans ............. ............ ............... Porteur .................... Total ....................... ............ ............ ...

09/04/2011 -
W (rfrur Accréditation N"5-0014 rIilT:I lte l I {mRrÂl|o[ DTPROOSTS il{DUSfilEt$ LICENCE LCtËN' 60051398A Délivréeà: Delivered to: JANOPLAST - FRANCE 11,ruedAltkirch- 68580SEPPOIS.LE-BAS Site de fabrication: Factory: (Castres) (o642CO) JANOPLAST BP254- 81104CASTRES Mélou/rue de I'industrie CEDEX 81104- FRANCE (Seppois-le-bas) (0632CO) JANOPLAST - FRAÀ|CË - 68580SEPPOIS-LE-BAS 11,rued'Altkirch Système de conduitenterrédansle sol- Conduitcintrable Csnduitsysfernburiedunderground-...

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Déclaration de conformité Declaration of conformity Nous soussignés, We, the undersigned, AIRCALO 1, rue Jules Massenet 33160 Saint Médard en Jalles Certifions que les produits suivants, ainsi que leur dérivés Hereby certify that the following product and their by-products FUN Satisfont aux exigences des directives Are compliant with the requirements imposed by the directives Directive Basse tension 2006/95/CE Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC Directive Compatibilité Electromagnétique 2004/108/CE...

07/07/2024 -
CASIERS ET VESTIAIRES La philosophie LOGGERE : Le vestiaire est le seul lieu ou on entrepose une partie de sa vie privée sur son lieu de travail. Cela en fait un endroit particulièrement sensible. Matériaux Armoires métalliques Distribution Armoires centres de secours Un assortiment important, des produits robustes, un design élaboré font que LOGGERE reste le partenaire privilégié des institutions, des écoles, des hôpitaux des hôtels, pour l'aménagement de leurs sanitaires et vestiaires. Casiers...

Doc Commerciale Haute Def 14.09.09
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A 340 X A Coupe sur la longueur X A 500 600 700 800 Autres cas de figures Coupe sur la largeur cas de figure principal Avec suppression de chemin de roulement Conservation de la largeur de fosse Passage pour chemin de roulement Coffre de protection Diminution de la largeur de Fosse Coupe rideau de fosse Date:11/10/2012 Echelle : 1/10e Emetteur: HM Page 1/1

18/07/2024 -
Colour Program Colour's accuracy is limited by the print of this catalogue.