Estiluz Interior Design May 2022 In

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

MAY 31

in shape spring market tabloid







earthly delights
Taking inspiration from nature is always a bright idea
1. Kelly Behun's Paavo chandelier in plaster and gold leaf by Hudson Valley Lighting.
2. Jake Oliveira's Spire Leaf Pendant 9 in antiqued brass and porcelain with LEDs by Boyd Lighting.
3. Lukas Peet's Double Helix configuration Pebble chandelier of aluminum and blown glass with LED lighting

in slate by ANDlight.
4. Cylinder pendants in 3form Varia over Performance Light Core with PVC-free cord and TCIG-free powder-

coating by LightArt.
5. Fluted Ginkgo Blossom 12 chandelier in hand-blown glass and brass with steel cable by Rosie Li Studio

through Objective Gallery.;
6. Zachi Jacobovich's Laverd dimmable LED suspension light in metal with steel cables and artificial greenery

by Estiluz.
7. Botanica LED pendant of hand-blown glass and steel with leather or vegan leather stem in green by Avram

Rusu Studio.
8. Julia Jessen's Junit pendant in walnut with textile cord and PVC ceiling rose by Schneid though Stillfried

9. Chiaramonte Marin's Knot portable LED light in smoke-brown blown glass with rope handle and USB

charger by Brokis through Property.
10. Lagatto chandelier in bronze-finish hammered steel with LED uplighting by Eurofase.

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