Estiluz Interior Design June 2023 In

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big, bold moves!
spring market tabloid




graphic lines
Stark black and white is as minimal as it is impactful

Rondo stools in aluminum with proprietary coating and handwoven Olefin rope in Talc/Fossil by
JANUS et Cie.
2. Dougan Clarke's Mainland planters in powder-coated marine-grade aluminum by Tuuci.
3. Porcelain slabs in Aluminous by Caesarstone.

4. Montego bar stools and table in thermally modified ash and stainless steel by Room & Board for Business.
5. Jones & Partners's Sandcastle aluminum stool by

Bols aluminum floor lamp/planter with polyethylene shade and integrated dimmable LED
by Estiluz.
7. Rietveld Originals's Crate lounge chair in painted pine by Hay.
8. Patrick Jouin's Reva Cocoon sofa with stainless-steel backrest woven in weather-resistant polypropylene rope by Pedrali.


Dans la boutique

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