EscalibMDS GB

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Escalib MDS | Worksite spiral staircase with side exit



Escalib MDS (safe assembly and disassembly) is a metal spiral staircase with side exit. The triangular step then acts as a landing.
Simply arrange Escalib MDS by rotating by a quarter-turn so that one of the steps is aligned with the slab to be served. It is formed from a base, 1 to 8 modules that are easy to stack with a crane and a head guardrail closing the passage (max height 20.10 m).
Set-up under collective protection (harness-free) is quick and easy:
4 nuts per module. Each module is equipped with collapsible guardrails,
hinged about a non-detachable end.
Escalib can be moved using a crane.
Its small footprint facilitates its installation, even on small sites.

Site in Switzerland
Client: Induni
Location: Geneva


Escalib MDS | Worksite spiral staircase with side exit



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