En Repair Wax Instructions

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Repair wax

PREPARING: The area to be repaired has to be clean, dry and free from grease. If necessary, remove any loose or sticking out particles with a pointed item.
CHOOSE COLOURS: Choose the colour that fits your floor or combine various colours to obtain the best result.
MELTING AND MIXING: Activate the melter by removing the protective cap, sliding the yellow button to ON' and pressing the blue button (10 to 15 seconds). Ensure that the tip is fitted correctly. A red light indicates that the melter is heating up. Melt off small portions of the colour sticks and mix together. Should the hard wax start smoking during melting, release the blue button. Tip cools slowly. Do not touch the tip during operation. The melter has a heat capacity of 30 minutes when operated permanently. However it is recommended to work at shorter intervals and to switch off tool from time to time.
FILLING: Let wax mixture flow into the damaged area. Always slightly overfill the area!
LEVELLING: Use the sharp grooves of the scraper to strip off excess material.
PRECISE ADJUSTMENT: For precise adjustment, restore the grain pattern of the filled area by slightly scratching with a pointed item and re-fill with a darker colour stick. Level off excess material with the planer grooves of the scraper.
DEGREASING: Use the grey sanding pad to degrease the area. The gloss level of the mixture becomes matt.
GLOSS LEVEL ADJUSTMENT: The gloss level can be adjusted with the green/white pad. The green side of the cloth polishes while the white side reduces the gloss level.

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