En Repair Pens Instructions For Use

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Repair pens
Instructions for use

This repair set contains one or two pens, depending on the preferred process to touch up light scratches in your floor.
Box containing two pens:
- 1 felt tip color pen or 1 pen with colored lacquer
- 1 pen with transparent lacquer to protect and repair the gloss
Box containing one pen:
- 1 pen with transparent lacquer to protect and repair the gloss
Pens are easily recognizable by the sealing cap and/or collar.
The felt tip color pen: You can recognize this pen by the black cap. When taking off the cap you will see a colored felt tip. The tip is flat and has an oblique angle allowing fine and wide lines.
The pen is ready for use, no special preparation is required.
Draw lightly and swiftly. Do not press down and do not stop or hold the pen in one spot. Wipe off excess ink immediately with a small cloth or even your finger.
The lacquer pen: This pen has a white cap with nudges. The pen with colored lacquer has a red collar and the pen with transparent lacquer has a white collar. When taking off the cap you will see a rounded tip. The lacquer pen is not ready for use. Start by shaking the pen several times (you can hear the clicking sound of the mixing ball), then pumping the lacquer into the tip. You perform this action by pressing the pen down
(pumping) several times so the tip moves completely inwards.
Press the pen down and hold a few seconds and resume with a few pumping actions. Continue this process until the tip is well filled with paint. Do not perform this action on the wood to be touched up but use a separate substrate, e.g. a piece of cardboard or plastic as available. Try drawing a line on your cardboard before you start on the wood floor.
When drawing, push down slightly on the pen and draw in a smooth and continuous fashion. Do not wipe. Allow to dry for 30
minutes before assessing the result.
When touching up scratches or dents in your floor you must first clean the area and make sure that there are no loose fibers sticking out. This is achieved by simply rubbing the area lightly with a suitable cloth.
Step one: coloring
The first step is to restore the color. Scratches leave whitish edges and can penetrate the protective coating, damaging the wood underneath. Color is restored with the felt tip pen (black cap) or the coloring lacquer pen (red collar). When applying color: do not hold the pen still in one area but swiftly and lightly draw over the damaged area. When using the felt tip color pen it is recommended to use a finger to wipe off any excess color

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