EN 11079

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

GSM telephone remote control

6201048 - TYPHONE 5SV GSM -

- The heating can be adjusted by a simple telephone call. Ideal for secondary residence. - Easy to use with the voice synthesis that guides the end-user - Quick to install & setup using RF technology

- Remotely control by phone the heating settings: comfort, setback, frost protection, automatic. - Operates with an integrated voice synthesis system. - To be associated with the RF programmable thermostat, TYBOX 811. - Integrated temperature sensor to inform on the ambient room temperature.

- Power supply: 230V mains adapter (included) - Dimensions: H 155 x L 95 x D 53 mm - Supplied with an offset GSM antenna (3metres) - Unlocked SIM card (GSM) not included Radio technology - Radio range: 100 to 300 metres - Frequency: 868MHz (ETSI EN 300220-1 standard)

Further solutions
WIRELESS OUTDOOR SENSOR Ref. 6300039 - Measurement of the outdoor temperature. - To be associated with a RF programmable thermostat, TYBOX 811. - Displays the outdoor temperature on the thermostat screen. - 10-year battery life - Dimensions: 78 x 92 x 42 mm - Radio technology: Range: up to 300 metres, Frequency: 868MHz WIRELESS MAGNETIC CONTACT COX/COBX Ref. 6412254(white)/6412255(brown) - Small RF magnetic contact detectors for doors, windows and other closures - To be associated with a wireless control - Installed on windows and doorways, this magnetic contact can reduce energy consumption by switching the heating to frost protection when a window is opened. The heating turns back to the preset level when the window is closed. - 2-year battery life

- Dimensions: 84 x 30 x 13 mm - Each kit is composed of 5 magnetic contacts. - Radio technology: Range: up to 300 metres, Frequency: 868MHz


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