E60 Excavator Specifications

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E60 - E80

Compact Excavators

Power it up and smooth it down n The power to do more
On your construction site, more power means getting more done, faster and with greater efficiency.
The Bobcat E60 and E80 compact excavators offer you the power you need for all kinds of jobs. When digging,
dumping, backfilling, grading, demolition and more,
they offer capacity, force and reach.
All this power comes in the conveniently compact size you expect from a Bobcat machine. Zero tail swing allows you to manoeuvre with maximum freedom  no more worries about damaging the tail when operating in tight spaces.

n The efficiency to do better
All this power doesn t mean a rough ride, though.
The E60 and E80 deliver smooth hydraulic function control, combined with all the hydraulic performance you need. And you can be sure of precise control for any task, without sacrificing cycle times or breakout forces.
Bobcat power doesn t mean high fuel consumption,
either. In fact, the electronic controls and auto idle features incorporated in the E60 and E80 actually reduce fuel consumption.
n The flexibility to do it all
Today s excavators are multi-purpose all-rounders on the worksite. And Bobcat offers attachments for all your compact excavator tasks, from buckets and breakers, to augers for drilling and hydraulic clamps for lifting.

With their superior digging and pulling force, the Bobcat E60 and E80 take care of the most demanding jobs, even on hard ground or slopes. You get top performance on any site.

Count on quality n Reliability: the habit of a lifetime
At Bobcat, we re proven pioneers in designing machines that won t let you down. Top quality materials, the most advanced computer-aided design and endurance testing under the most demanding conditions ensures your excavator will keep on performing.

Every feature helps you work better
A reinforced X-chassis provides strength, while the optimized boom shape ensures uniform load distribution for more durability. Advanced hydraulics

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