E55W | Compact Excavators

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

E55W | Compact Excavators

E55W | Specifications
Operating weight with ROPS cab , tires, standard bucket
(SAE J732)
Additional weight for long dipperstick

Working Range
5550 kg


20 kg


Make / model
Number of cylinders
Maximum power at 2400 RPM (SAE J1349)
Maximum net torque at 1400 RPM (SAE J1995)

Yanmar / 4TNV98-EPDBW
3300 cm3
40.8 kW
206.0 Nm



Digging force, standard dipperstick (ISO 6015)
Digging force, long dipperstick (ISO 6015)
Digging force, bucket (ISO 6015)
Drawbar pull
Travel speed, low range
Travel speed, high range

27000 N

Dans la boutique

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