E14 Excavator Specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Compact Excavators



Standard Features

Hydraulically retractable undercarriage from 1330 mm Hydraulic joystick controls to 980 mm
Retractable seat belt
980 mm dozer blade with two 190 mm blade extensions Spark arrester muffler
Long dipperstick
200 mm rubber track
* TOPS/ROPS canopy
Double acting auxiliary hydraulics with quick couplers Work lights
Control console locks
Warranty: 12 months, 2000 hours, whichever comes
Horn first

Make / model
Fuel / Cooling
Bore / Stroke
Maximum power at 2500 RPM (ISO 9249)
Torque at 2000 RPM (SAE Net)
Number of cylinders

Kubota / D722-E2B-BC-5-SI
Diesel / Liquid
67 mm / 68 mm
9.9 kW
42.2 Nm
0.72 l

Digging force, dipperstick
Digging force, bucket
Drawbar pull
Ground pressure with rubber tracks
Travel speed
Travel speed, high range (option)
Maximum reach at ground level
Maximum dump height
Maximum digging depth

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