E08 Excavator brochure

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

E08  E10

Compact Excavators

E08 Micro-Excavator
" Retractable undercarriage and blade
" Foldable TOPS structure
" Built-in operator safety
" Compact dimensions
" Cylinder-over-the-boom design
" Optional Demolition Kit for additional cooling
" Easy access to daily maintenance points

Ideal for applications where larger machines cannot fit.
%  Powerful and productive
These versatile micro-excavators pack a big punch,
whether used for demolition or landscaping work.
Thanks to short tail swing, they are less likely to get damaged while working, thus providing a longer service life and lower total cost of ownership.

%  Comfortable and convenient
Low noise and vibration levels ensure excellent operator comfort along with reduced environmental impact. The adjustable joystick controls on the E10 take comfort to unequalled levels.

For work with a breaker, the optional demolition kit for both the E08 and E10 provides additional cooling to allow the machines to keep working longer.
%  Stable and compact
The expandable undercarriage ensures unmatched stability for this size of machine, while retracting easily to allow the excavator to pass through narrow openings.
Combined with the integrated,
foldable TOPS, it means that 710 mm wide, low-headroom openings are no barrier to these machines!

The E08 and E10 are both equipped with expandable undercarriage and blade as standard.
There is no need to remove and reinstall the blade extensions.

Both models are equipped with a foldable TOPS structure.

E10 Micro-Excavator
" Zero tail swing (ZTS) design

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