Dutch Stevedore Opts for Bobcat Skid-Steer ... - Bobcat.eu

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Dutch Stevedore Opts for Bobcat Skid-Steer Loaders
Two new Bobcat S330H
skid-steer loaders have joined the fleet of equipment at B.V. Zeehavenbedrijf Dordrecht
(ZHD), the stevedoring business based at Gravendeelsedijk in Dordrecht in the Netherlands.

By Peter Tomberg

The S330H skid-steer loaders have been equipped with extra features for operation in ships  holds. The machines function as large dustpan and brush  units cleaning up any loose material left in the hold to be removed by large clamshell buckets.
As well as being the company s headquarters, Gravendeelsedijk is also the site of one of three terminal operations run by ZHD, the others being at Moerdijk and
Wiekert Wirds (left), Head of the Technical Department at ZHD and André Möhlmann of InterTechno,
Zevenhuizen branch.
As Wiekert Wirds, Head of the Technical Department at ZHD, describes: The company ZHD currently has twelve skid-steer loaders handles everything except fluids. Loose in operation. The new Bobcat S330H mabulk materials such as coal, iron ore, lots of chines were sold by André Möhlmann from scrap materials and grain but also contain- the Zevenhuizen branch of Bobcat dealer,
ers, large bags, steel coils and pig iron; they InterTechno.
all find their way to the mainland from the Wiekert Wirds added: We knew exactly
ZHD locations. Over the winter, a record what we needed because of our experiamount of road salt was unloaded from the ence with our previous machines. We then ships, loaded onto trucks and transported gave Bobcat, and a third machine, a trial inland. 
run. All machine operators took part in the decision-making process and eventually
Trial run and joint decision we jointly selected the Bobcat model. The
ZHD uses various types of equipment for combination of electric bucket control and unloading and transhipping loose bulk mechanical driving control particularly apmaterials. In the first instance, they use four pealed to the operators. 
Gottwald harbour cranes, a Nelcon mobile From the point of view of the seller, André
harbour crane, three floating cranes on Möhlmann is eager to explain what sets the barges, a powerful 25 tonne Lemniscaat Bobcat skid-steer loader apart from other crane, a Sennebogen 850 model and a large machines on the market and the features tracked E-Crane. Last but not that were added to the machines at ZHD to least in the list is a 50 tonne make them completely harbour-proof .
Gottwald crane.
The completely harbour-proof  description
When these cranes have refers to eight adaptations. For example, the finished their work in a machines were equipped with four heavy ship s hold, the lighter lifting eyes for lowering and lifting the mamachinery, the skid-steer chines in and out of the holds of ships.
loaders, make sure that Special tyres have been fitted to prevent

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