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Job story 

On the road
Mirav, a Bobcat dealer for the east coast of Sicily
(covering Messina, Catania, Siracusa, Ragusa, Enna and half of Caltanissetta),
has for some time adopted an innovative replacement parts service with successful results. The parts service is based on a novel approach to provide aftersales support that really makes a difference.

For years, aftersales has been seen as an integral part of any dealer s business,
and it effectively allows customers to weigh up the dealer s response to their needs and provides the foundations on which future customer loyalty is built.
Past experience and research conducted locally and internationally shows that if a dealer neglects or fails to understand the importance of the aftersales service,
it inevitably harms the trust and loyalty established with each customer, and also prevents the dealer from penetrating and raising its profile in its market.
Bringing the service to the client
Mirav boasts an extensive presence in its market and has contributed significantly

to raising the awareness of the Bobcat brand across the island. The sheer size of its territory and the number of vehicles (over 8000) which are often based

outside the main cities of Messina and
Catania, have allowed the dealer to offer a far-reaching replacement parts service.
The service is based on the principle of going directly to the customer to get orders for replacement parts. Both simple and essential, the service offered by Mirav has been very successful: from the offset it has been well organised,
notwithstanding the high number of customers and the vast territory in which its service is offered.
To better understand the strengths of this new approach to the distribution of replacement parts, we met with

Dans la boutique

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