Dow Nachhaltigkeitsmagazin Data

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CEO Dr. Stephan Timmermann

The principle of sustainability is deeply rooted at KSB
and represents one pillar of our corporate strategy. This important topic is an indispensable part of our business activities. We view sustainable living and working as a continuous process which is embedded in our daily interactions. This applies not only to our colleagues in production facilities, sales offices and administration, but also to our customers, suppliers and business partners.
By signing the UN Global Compact in 2010, we committed ourselves to aligning our business activities with ten universal principles. KSB supports the 17
Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
That is why our company defined nine global sustainability goals in 2019 which are based on these
Sustainable Development Goals. We want to achieve these individual goals by 2025 at the latest.

protecting ecosystems and conserving valuable resources.
These are just some of the sustainability activities covered in this magazine  and it is with great pleasure that I
invite you to read on and discover more.
Enjoy the experience!

Dr. Stephan Timmermann

Many of the targets are in some way connected to water.
Our pumps, valves and services perform essential tasks including supplying people with clean drinking water,
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are aimed at combining economic progress with social justice and

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Informationen Gemaess Tabelle 8 Der Durchfuehrungsverordnung Data
Informationen Gemaess Tabelle 8 Der Durchfuehrungsverordnung Data
14/07/2024 -
KSB SE & Co. KGaA Ordentliche Hauptversammlung 2024 Angaben gemäß Tabelle 8 der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2018/1212 Dividende Art der Information Beschreibung 1. Eindeutige Kennung des Unternehmensereignisses 2. Art des Unternehmensereignisses 3. ISIN DEKSB240508S (Stammaktien) DEKSB240508V (Vorzugsaktien) Gewinnausschüttung DE 0006292006 (Stammaktien) DE 0006292030 (Vorzugsaktien) 4. ISIN (weitere) 5. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Weitere Informationen Ausschüttung...

Further Details On The Mandatory Information As Per Commission Implementing Regulation Data
Further Details On The Mandatory Information As Per Commission Implementing Regulation Data
14/07/2024 -
Further information on the mandatory information stipulated in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 Pursuant to section 125(5) German Stock Corporation Act in conjunction with Table 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 as well as Article 3b(1)(b), (2) of Directive 2007/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, certain information on the convocation of the general meeting must be made available on the company's website. You will find information on these details in this document...

Dividendenbekanntmachung 2024 Data
Dividendenbekanntmachung 2024 Data
14/07/2024 -
ISIN (ordinary shares): DE0006292006 / WKN: 629200 ISIN (preference shares): DE0006292030 / WKN: 629203 DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT The Annual General Meeting of KSB SE & Co. KGaA on 8 May 2024 resolved to appropriate the net retained earnings of the 2023 financial year in the amount of EUR 88,641,634.78 for the distribution of a dividend of EUR 26,00 per ordinary no-par-value share entitled to dividend, that is a total of EUR 23,051,990.00, and a dividend of EUR 26.26 per preference share entitled to...

Praesentation Hauptversammlung Data
Praesentation Hauptversammlung Data
14/07/2024 -
Hauptversammlung der KSB SE & Co. KGaA 8. Mai 2024 Stephan Timmermann Hauptversammlung der KSB SE & Co. KGaA I 8. Mai 2024 2 Disclaimer Dieser Bericht enthält zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen. Diese Aussagen basieren auf den gegenwärtigen Einschätzungen und Prognosen der Geschäftsführenden Direktoren sowie den ihnen derzeit verfügbaren Informationen. Die zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen sind nicht als Garantien der darin genannten zukünftigen Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse...

Dow Nachhaltigkeitsmagazin Data
Dow Nachhaltigkeitsmagazin Data
14/07/2024 -
SUSTAINABILITY MAGAZINE 2023/24 1 INTRODUCTION FOREWORD KSB PROFILE 2 WATER IS LIFE 3 SUSTAINABILITY GOALS 4 ENVIRONMENT 5 EMPLOYEES 6 SOCIAL 7 BUSINESS 8 CONTACTS FOREWORD 2 CEO Dr. Stephan Timmermann The principle of sustainability is deeply rooted at KSB and represents one pillar of our corporate strategy. This important topic is an indispensable part of our business activities. We view sustainable living and working as a continuous process which is embedded in our daily interactions....

Convocation Of The Annual General Meeting Data
Convocation Of The Annual General Meeting Data
14/07/2024 -
Convocation of the Annual General Meeting of KSB SE & Co. KGaA on 8. May 2024 ISIN (ordinary shares): DE0006292006 (German securities identification code: 629200) ISIN (preference shares): DE0006292030 (German securities identification code: 629203) 2 KSB Annual General Meeting 2024 Five-year Financial Summary Business Development and Earnings 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Order intake ¬m 2,959.5 2,862.1 2,411.7 2,143.4 2,453.8 Sales revenue ¬m 2,819.0 2,573.4 2,343.6 2,207.9 ...

Presseinformation Hauptversammlung 2023 En Data
Presseinformation Hauptversammlung 2023 En Data
14/07/2024 -
Press Release KSB Group 8 May 2024 / Page 1/4 Annual General Meeting of KSB SE & Co. KGaA Record Figures at KSB's Annual General Meeting ð· Significant increase in order intake, sales revenue and earnings ð· ¬ 26.00 dividend per ordinary share ð· Positive start to the 2024 financial year FRANKENTHAL: In 2023, the Frankenthal-based pump and valve manufacturer KSB achieved its highest ever order intake and sales revenue. At 7.9 %, the EBIT margin exceeded its expectations...

Information Pursuant To Table 3 Blocks A To C And Block D2 Of Commission Implementing Regulation Data
Information Pursuant To Table 3 Blocks A To C And Block D2 Of Commission Implementing Regulation Data
14/07/2024 -
KSB SE & Co. KGaA Annual General Meeting Information pursuant to Table 3, blocks A to C and Block D2 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 A. Specification of the message A1 Unique identifier of the event A2 Type of message f4045582c5e5ee11b53000505696f23c NEWM B. Specification of the issuer B1 ISIN DE0006292006 (KSB-ordinary share) B1 ISIN DE0006292030 (KSB-preferred share) B2 Name of issuer KSB SE & Co. KGaA C. Specification of the message Date of the Annual General Meeting Time...

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LUMINAIRE ASYMÉTRIQUE ENCASTRÉ ASYMMETRISCHE EINBAU-RÖHRENLEUCHTE ASYMMETRIC RECESSED LUMINAIRE AWR-AC 12V-24V / 3W, 5W, 8.5W, 10W 61 mm 105 mm 73 mm 120 mm 90 mm 145 mm 60 mm 90 mm 12.5 mm 60 mm 60 mm Luminaire asymétrique à basse tension conçu pour l'intérieur, utilisant uniquement des lampes Xénon boucle rigide dépolie de 3W, 5W, 8.5W ou 10W. Compris dans le luminaire · Profilé extrudé éloxé naturel (voir pictogrammes ci-dessus). · Conducteurs...

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