DoC Innovo EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

CE - Declaration of Conformity

A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v.
De Run 5305
5503 LW Veldhoven
The Nederlands

hereby declares that the following products:
Product description:

Condensing gas fired storage water heater

Product family name:


Product models:

IR-12-160, IR-12-200, IR-20-160, IR-20-200, IR-24-245, IR-24-285, IR-32-245,
IR-32-285, IR-32-380

on the assumption that the installation instructions have been followed are compliant to:
Gas Appliance Regulations (GAR) - 2016/426
- EN 89:2015
Low Voltage Directive (LVD) - 2006/95/EG
- EN 60335-1:2012
- EN 60335-2-102:2006
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) - 2004/108/EG
- EN 55014-1:2007
- EN 55014-2:2015
- EN 61000-3-2:2014
- EN 61000-3-3:2013
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) - 97/23/EG
- Based on Art. 3, Sub 3. (PS < 10 bar, pressure vessel for non-hazardous fluids)
ECO Design Directive (ErP) - 2009/125/EG
- Commission regulation No. 814/2013 based on notices 2014/C - 207/03
Energy Labelling Directive - 2010/30/EG
- Commission regulation No. 812/2013
as stated in the EC type-examination report, 151002037, by KIWA Gastec Certification b.v., The Netherlands.

A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v.

July 1, 2018


T. van der Hamsvoort

Dans la boutique

Product Fiche It 1000 G B
Product Fiche It 1000 G B
19/06/2024 -
A.O. Smith IT 1000 - 146 1007

Energy Label DRE 80 36 EU
Energy Label DRE 80 36 EU
19/06/2024 -
A.O. Smith DRE 80-36 XL A+ A B C D E F 4265 15 dB 2017 0 kWh/annum GJ/annum 812/2013 A.O. Smith DRE 80-36 XL A+ A B C D E F 4265 15 dB 2017 0 kWh/annum GJ/annum 812/2013

Energy Label IR 20 200 GB NAT
Energy Label IR 20 200 GB NAT
19/06/2024 -
A.O. Smith IR-20-200 XL 40 52 16

KUKReg4 ST IT1500 3000
KUKReg4 ST IT1500 3000
19/06/2024 -
Certificate number: 2311794 (2) Issued Expires 21/12/2023 04/12/2028 Kiwa Regulation 4 (KUKreg4) Certification Evaluation Guideline  Kiwa UK  EG004  Regulation 4(1)(a) Model number(s)  see Appendix A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v. Kiwa Watertec declares that legitimate confidence exists in the products specified in this certificate and supplied by the above organisation be relied upon to comply with the Kiwa Evaluation Guideline referred above. Which verifies the requirements of: Regulation...

WRAS Certificate IR
WRAS Certificate IR
19/06/2024 -
WRAS PRODUCT APPROVAL CERTIFICATE Approval Number 240504713 Field of application Approval holder WRAS directory section Product type Model Basis of compliance Products complying with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 (England & Wales), the Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws 2014 and the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009. A.O Smith Water Products Company b.v 1400 Heaters IR 12-160,IR 12-200,IR 20-160,IR 20-200,IR 24-245,IR 24-285,IR...

Product Fiche EES 66 G
Product Fiche EES 66 G
19/06/2024 -
A.O. Smith EES 66 XL C 38 4411 0 - - - - 60 15 - -

Energy Label DRE 52 9 EU
Energy Label DRE 52 9 EU
19/06/2024 -
A.O. Smith DRE 52-9 XL A+ A B C D E F 4363 15 dB 2017 0 kWh/annum GJ/annum 812/2013 A.O. Smith DRE 52-9 XL A+ A B C D E F 4363 15 dB 2017 0 kWh/annum GJ/annum 812/2013

Energy Label IR 20 160 GB NAT
Energy Label IR 20 160 GB NAT
19/06/2024 -
A.O. Smith IR-20-160 XL 37 52 16

DokumenteDownload (de)
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29/12/2010 -
1942 INTERDICTIONS... · Ne jamais tenter de canaliser l'air avec des gaines ou autres canalisations non prévues à cet effet. Consultez en complément la notice du constructeur · Ne pas retirer, ni modifier les grilles de protection placées à l'aspiration et au refoulement. VENTILATEUR ESCARGOT ÉLECTRIQUE CONTEXTE RÉGLEMENTAIRE Les règles et normes ci-après sont applicables dans le cas d'une utilisation normale du matériel : · Directive 98/37/CEE. · Normes...