design gérard plénacoste opalescent - Marcal

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design gérard plénacoste


aluminium | 0¢0ë0ß
verre trempé | tempered glass,
vidrio templado, vetro temperato, gehärtetem glas, _7S0¬0é0¹

aluminium : poli miroir mirror polished, pulido brillante, lucidato,
glänzend poliert, 0¢0ë0ß0Ý0ê0Ã0·0å
aluminium : poli miroir mirror polished, pulido brillante, lucidato,
poli miroir aluminium
: brossé
anodisé naturel glänzend poliert,
mirror polished,
natural anodizedpulido brushed,
anodizado natural cepillado,
glänzend poliert,
spazzolato anodizzato naturale, 0¢0ë0ß0Ø0¢0é0¤0ó
aluminium : brossé anodisé naturel natural anodized brushed, anodizado natural cepillado,
brossé anodisé
naturel aluminium microbillé
naturel spazzolato :anodizzato naturale,
brushed, anodizado natural anodized micro-sand blasted, natural cepillado,
spazzolato anodizzato naturale,

Dans la boutique

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design gérard plénacoste opalescent - Marcal
design gérard plénacoste opalescent - Marcal
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