Declaration Of Safety E1 Certificate Pcp Lindane Im0033886

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Products: Untreated and Melamine Coated Particleboards

Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 51
92318 Neumarkt
The untreated and melamine coated particleboards produced by
Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH are applied for timber frame constructions, for furniture making, interior furnishings as well as for general construction purposes. All products are manufactured in accordance with the stipulations of EN 312 (untreated particleboards) and
EN 14322 (melamine coated particleboards). The boards are analyzed by independent testing institutions twice per year for formaldehyde emission and other hazardous substances.
Furthermore, the examined core boards fulfilled the following criteria:
Content of formaldehyde

"d 0,1 ppm according to EN 717-1
(x-factor 2.0 according to Chemicals
Prohibition Ordinance, so-called
Standard E05)

Content of pentachlorophenol

"d 3 mg/kg

Content of lindane

"d 1 mg/kg

This declaration of safety is valid one year from the date of issue and includes the examined particleboard type P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 and P7.
The company Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH is furthermore a member of the Quality
Association for Wood Based Panels (Qualitätsgemeinschaft Holzwerkstoffe e. V.)

Anemon Strohmeyer
Managing Director

Berlin, 20th February 2024


10117 Berlin, Germany " Schumannstr. 9 " Fon +49(30) 280 912 50 " Fax +49(30) 280 912 56

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